Should Parents Buy Property In A College Town?

For you it’s your worst nightmare :unamused:

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Student houses is lucrative and no rent control.

holy shit.

No shit Sherlock.

But how does one manage the student churn, passive subletting, vandalism,etc in student housing? Seems like a nightmare.

Buy in Merced now. That UC is gonna grow.

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Could be why student housing has high cap rates. Think of it like the hotel business. More management headaches but more profit

I think it makes a lot of sense especially if it’s a duplex or triplex. My first landlord was a grad student. His grandmother helped with the down payment. THere were 8 renters total, and he only had one roommate. His property price doubled when rent control was removed from MA, but even without that, 7-8 years of grad school with free rent for him and his brother (1st floor) and 6 other people paying did that whole family very very well.

Try to get grad students or families. So busy studying, no time to party.

Maybe your landlord dragged on for 8 years because he didn’t feel any financial pressure to finish?

I think the biggest problem is the opportunity cost. It works out in Cambridge and Palo Alto. But what if the kid is going to school in buffalo? Your money could have gone much farther invested in other things like amazon stocks.

For some people that level of investing knowledge is too much. People know what they know, and re is well known. Stocks are less so - given average/median american 401k and brokerage account. They mostly have homes though.

The only college town parents should buy a property in is Palo Alto.

Not svl, the eye of sv?

San Jose: heart of SV.

Is Milpitas the butt?

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Yeah i think there is no college in svl either so sj it is.

It’s problematic even if you restrict to real estate. Maybe return is better in Bay Area and the kid is going to school on east coast. Maybe C class neighborhood returns more but you want the kid to live in class A. Maybe duplex works better but the kid is more used to SFH.

When you mix objectives your solution will be suboptimal to every objective. It’s much better to just focus investment to make the highest return and use the money to pay for kid’s rent.

He went to MIT. That’s normal.

Which program?

Computer science