Should rentals be kept for the long haul?

Intuitively, rentals should not be kept for the long haul but I don’t know how to articulate it :slight_smile:
Can you articulate why rental should be kept for the long haul?

My mom is 80. Rental income MORE THAN supports her mah jong habit. Actually, she wins all the time but forget about that part. If she were able to live by herself still, she would have a roof over her head for free (could keep our family flat and mortgage paid off years ago) and the rest is gravy. The absolutely last thing she has to worry about is money. This is why some form of rental should be kept for the long haul.

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Rentals are forever. .can’t sell without a major tax loss unless you 1031…The depreciation recapture tax is brutal…They key later in life is to 1031 into higher cap lower maintenance properties. .Think triple net

At the end of 27.5 years or there is an ideal duration, x year after purchase?

1031 early and often…Alawys look for higher cap opportunities

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