Single Family Rent Growth

Central Valley from Sac down is doing very well. Portland, Tacoma and Phoenix are doing well too.


Nationwide historical chart. Above average this year despite the pandemic and recession.

Sac rents are up quite a bit this year.

Tacoma could catch fire if people only need to be in the office a couple times a week. That makes the sounder train commute far more reasonable.

why are people moving to Dallas…gross.

Haha. I would agree with gross part but there are lot of tech jobs and diversified industry there and companies like Toyota moving their HQ there for example.


Researching on whether to move to Austin?

I can show you around :wink:

Err… no thanks. Still scared of Texas.

22 plus. But my Mom was from Texarkana

I got 16 and I’ve never set foot in Texas.