Not so. It has something to do with the environment, the water you drink and the air you breathe, whether there is decent public space to exercise etc. Access to medical services, and if one is poor, access to public services, also has a lot to do with one’s health.
Don’t believe?
2019 pay builder tax, very low.
2020 pay homeowner tax.
2021 4.7% higher.
2022 don’t know yet.
I’d love to see a scientific correlation between longevity and drinking water in the US. Sure, there are the super-fund hotspots but that’s in any state.
As for air - CA has so of the filthiest in the nation depending on where live, especially now with wildfires being a given. Agree with medical and access to public space but within any state there are choices available. My access to medical is limited but the public lands I have access to are measured in hundreds of square miles and there is no air pollution to speak of.
OK. So it really is just one year. Curious to see how 2022 turns out. Texas has some homestead cap on property tax I think. Should not be too bad for wealthy ex-CA 10-millionaires like yourself.
he bought new build 6k lot with 3k sq ft.
it’s no more 2019. Now it’s expensive which you know better than me.
Bought in Apr 2022? So recent.
I prefer Leander than Liberty Hill.
Round Rock, older house, good schools.
closed in June, Santa rita ranch and it’s 1 hr drive to DT without traffic
We’ll keep coming and turn it into another mini California.
What do we need to do? Just tell us.
Wooden stakes?
Holy water?
More AR-19s.
I haven’t finished reading the paper, but just going to call BS on it now. And I don’t see how it’s at all relevant to people born now. Big difference between the 1940s and 2000s. So many people move now…
No can do. Everyone already has at least three.
Last week I needed to go into a local bank. The guy in front of me talking to the teller had a gun on his hip. No one bats an eye at that sort of thing here.
No surprise… Minorities (especially African Americans) have worse access to healthcare and even if they have access they are treated differently from others. This is a known issue in healthcare. Even for women - the signs of a heart attack are different from men, and many women end up being misdiagnosed.
People love to ignore racial demographics, since any mention of them is racist.