Speaking Of Cruising

Got $5m you can cruise forever.

Now that would be overdoing itā€¦

With the new year almost here, it is nice to think about where to live in retirement. A rough draft would be:

1/3 year: San Francisco/Bay Area (already own)
1/3 year: Malaysia (non monsoon months) (already own, wifeā€™s family place)
1/3 year: Caribbean/Greek Islands/South Lake Tahoe/???

At least try a cruise with the wifey. You may actually like it, or hate it. The problem with you (and my Big Bro) is that you guys literally almost canā€™t enjoy yourself. Your mind and body has to be working on something constructive 24/7. The idea of just doing nothing for oh 7-10 days is probably a nightmare to you. Not goodā€¦

I would read a lot of books. When my mind is blank I can plow through thrillers in a couple of hours. Too me a cruise ship is just a floating luxury prison. Would rather rent a beach house. I have my getaway now near Placerville. Plan on becoming a part time farmer. Really hate flying and travel becomes tedious after a couple of weeks. You lose your identity. And I like to eat my own home cooking

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Done! Most ships have a dedicated library (or, you can bring your own reading material of course).

Well, canā€™t do anything about the love of home cookingā€¦

Cruises are for lazy and old people that donā€™t want to plan anything for their trips. Been on cruises twice (once to Caribbean and once to Mexico long time ago). Never again. Like @Elt1 noted, itā€™s a floating prison.

That describe me well. So? As if I have sinned for doing that.

Yes it suits you well. Food is not good though.

Again, a cruise vacation is part boat and part port. Yeah, if you already have a destination city in mind by all means fly there direct to enjoy it full-time. Cruising is relaxation therapy achieved through quiet time at sea or through means like reading time or spa treatments onboard and then you throw in a splattering of different port destinations to sample.

Yes, tons of food available 24/7. Food is not that bad at all, and you can spend a little to go high end if you want on certain days.

My wifey is as picky and finicky as they come. She loved it. Happy wifey = happy lifeā€¦