Telecommuting/ WFH and Remote Work

there is no way this industrialization can be achieved in India.

Israel also doesn’t have much water. Neither does Singapore. They built tons of desalination plants. Problem solved.

Both Singapore and Israel have fabs.

India has governance issues. It doesn’t have water issues. Looks like Modi is slowly chipping away those problems. Progress could be faster. But still he’s making progress.

Before the Chip Manufacturing plants moved to Taiwan, they (not all of those in USA but a huge number them) used to be concentrated in Chandler Area, a desert. The content in the link you pointed to sounds like a fear mongering by a climate change enthusiast.

For 1) Wait for 5 years, you will know who is providing the jobs.

For 2) I hear the same thing in 2000 and 2008, nothing new in 2020. Wait for 5 years

For 3) No need for that, since US cost is high, they outsource and get things done.

For 4) India does not create the Indian CEOs at it own soil. Those who fled away, for opportunity purpose, making their own level.

For 5) Never quote anything what they say…It is waste of time. IMO, they are all idiots.

The last point is controversial which I do not want to go further on to it.

If Europe is capable of creating tech firms they would have done so already. How many tech firms of importance came from Europe? Without goggling I doubt anyone can name 10.

None of the top 10 market cap companies in FTSE is tech. Only one in DAX 30 is tech: SAP, which is not exactly cutting edge.

European market is too fragmented, regulatory regime too heavy handed and people there are just too old and too risk averse. I am more bullish on India’s tech scene that Europe.


I am afraid this no longer possible. No one can wait 5 years for job creation. when millions are unemployed and further underemployed and complete collapse in tax revenues…

Israel,Taiwan, Singapore these are small scale manufacturer in big picture. they import to add value and re export to a bigger host country. there standards of living simply cannot survive by exporting to US only.
France/German/Russia fully supporting China (No matter what they say in Public. how Canada lost UN security council seat?).
Korea/Japan/Taiwan/Singapore/Israel will become basket case as EU/Russia move towards its one Internet/Semiconductors.

that Indian minister statement has different meaning from your interpretation.

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those are diffferent times. now the cost of managing water supply for Fab to be profitable is huge.

What you mean by basket case? Btw, many Singaporeans oppose the setup of Fab in Singapore. The most powerful woman forced it through.

Ignore what they say, watch what they are doing :ok_hand: See you understand politics.

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This same argument “China is going to be new power house and Euro is going to be new power house” has been coming every recessionary time ever since 1929 crash, but US held its own power house.

I know one thing, all these arguments are forgotten after five years.

When I showed my friend during 2011, he did not buy 3500 sqft home for $675k (bank owned), finally ended up buying 2200 sqft home for $950k.

It will be like that for those who does not understand the recessionary market. Those who feared about US finally end up in to FOMO.

Where as my another friend, who bought 4300 sqft home for $875k, sold recently for $1.6 M with full capital gain tax benefit for primary.

For this kind of argument, I really do not want to waste time.


Just because no wolf for xxx number of “wolf is here” calls doesn’t mean wolves won’t be here this time.

I am not saying anything about the content, just saying your presumption is dangerous.

As for house buying, I bought in 2011 not because I monitor macro economics or understand economics - not that smart. Pure chart reading.

The arguments are getting sillier and sillier. Russia is on exports control. They will never be able to get the advanced equipments for the fabs. Does it even have one single fab today?

France just announced this week any telcos using huawei equipments won’t have their licenses renewed. That’s just a roundabout way to ban huawei. Expect Germany to do the same. What do you mean by “fully supporting”? A new survey from Der Spiegel shows the Germans’ attitude towards China has turned sharply more negative since the Hong Kong protests.

Russia is a fair weather friend milking the Chinese. China is paying Putin over $100 a barrel for oil on a multi decade contract. Great friend there.

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This is big topic on economics, and discussion about this is tiring and will not help any one except ending up in heated discussion and frustration.

This is the country that say “you come with ideas, we will generate money for you, let us make billions (pay tax) and grow both”.

US taps all over world innovation, innovators, concepts, money etc. They maintain law and order, financial regulations, business environment for any one to make money with their skill set.

In short, US gets all creme of people of the world here, say like Einstein, Elon Musk, providing financial infrastructure (like loans, bonds, shares) to make billions…etc.

Simply, listen to this year warren buffet Q&A and he is right.

I stop here on this topic as I do not want to go on endless economic discussion. It is up to the forum viewers have faith and get benefit of recession.

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This will be a good question to ponder. What stopped the United States from producing bunch of CEOs and an army of engineers who could do the work so that other nationals have not to be imported into the USA? Most of the high tech jobs do not require an intelligence quotient of 2000. They require Ability to think logically and learn. And some ability to work hard, persistence, and good work ethics (be on time, show up in the meetings and things like that).

When i make a statement. it not just from news reports. I have family in various countries there.
Russia have Fabs . now whole EU/Russia is moving towards complete independence . The use language against China but it encompass everything including India.
without EU/Russia lithiography/Optics/Titanium/industrial robots. No Fab in Asia can be built.
Russia/Serbia/Armenia/Greece/Bulgaria/Turkey. All this Eastern Orthodox belt provide critical engineering power to Chinese firms. (Check there Math/Science scores). Not to mention Military and Overflight rights to Middleast/Africa. Oil and Gas prices very minor issue.

They are continously investing in overland Cargo to make Seaborne transport bankrupt for there competitors.
China – Europe container train speeds on Russian Railways’ network up 29% to 1,328 km per day in June 2020

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As I said previously, I have no comment on the content. Just your statement is presumptuous because you use a “calling wolf” analogy. Can you understand between content and logic use to put forth a position? I have no comment on your position/ views.

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Think harder about CEOs.


You will get nowhere talking to “paper generals” who based their knowledge on reading publications and media published by … Their thinking is future is like present and past, history would rhythm and nobody would be able to move my cheese :grinning: They don’t understand discontinuity till it is HERE.

US does not differentiate, likes to have best talented people wherever they are, but grab the deep tax both fed and state level.

Any one can make millions or billions, but comply law and pay tax !

I don’t imagine discontinuities until they are real. I don’t like hand waving about imaginary “trends”.

Anyway I guess I will just have to wait for my $100k property tax bill and my $20k water bill.


You have no idea how many applications for US visa get rejected. Most of the visa issued do not go to Einsteins or Musks. Most visas go to ordinary people who just know how to work hard. They do good job of what they are expected to do. Very small number of people are issued visa for people with extra-ordinary abilities. Of Millions of people who enter the United States, several of them are relations, spouses, parents, etc of their sponsors. Some are seasonal workers. Some are asylees. Some are visitors. Some choose to overstay tourist visa and never return. Some of them are students. Rest are workers of one area or another. Very few are Einstein or Musk, or Edison.