I don’t see the case mentioned at all in the English media. Here’s the Chinese article:
Here’s the google translate version. It’s pretty good. Almost like natively written.
I don’t see the case mentioned at all in the English media. Here’s the Chinese article:
Here’s the google translate version. It’s pretty good. Almost like natively written.
Six of the plaintiff’s tenants were also accompanied by lawyers to appear in court. According to the lawsuit documents, they accused Ms. Wu of renting the house as an illegally reconstructed unit, listing more than 160 crimes such as unsafe and messy, and asking her for a $14.4 million astronomical compensation. Its legal basis is San Francisco’s strict group control and tenant protection regulations.
Ms. Wu’s information from the police station last week showed that she had accumulated 61 alarms in one year and a half. She said: “They did not pay rent for 19 months. My mailbox was destroyed, parking spaces were blocked, and they also maliciously wasted water and electricity.”
Don’t rent out your in law done without permits. Or better yet, just say no to multifam in Bay Area.
Thanks for posting this. I am not understanding something — I understand the in-law not being done with permits, but I am not understanding the bit about the unpermitted in-law unit not having a path to legalization? What? Doesn’t that just take $$$?
How can you legalize in-laws already occupied by tenants? You’d first have to settle the tenants in hotels at great expense. And the tenants can turn around and sue for obscene amount of money for the “suffering” of living in unpermited construction.
Ah, ok, right, that’s what’s I was thinking with the “$$$” remark — moving the tenants out, paying for hotels, then doing the legalization, etc. Thanks.
I still don’t get what they’re actually suing over.
It’s a bully in the name of suing, enabled by the shameless tenant “rights” regulation. I hope Trump can come to San Feancisco and do some serious of Deregualtion of these stupid tenant “rights” commies.
Please return the landlord the right to evict these tenants. If that unpermitted house incurred 14M damage to the tenants, can’t the tenant move out first to reduce their “damage” before they sue for 14M damages?
SF stupidvisors really deserve Trump. Pelosi really deserves Trump. I think Trump is 1000 times more decent than SF stupidvisors. Let’s invite Trump be the SF mayor yesterday!
Just Cause Eviction is the real evil in this case.
Is the landlord’s name Jane “Kim”? She should change her last name from “Wu” to “Kim”
What a garbage regulation: San Francisco’s strict group control and tenant protection regulations.
Landlord’s “crime”:
Ms. Wu of renting the house as an illegally reconstructed unit, listing more than 160 crimes such as unsafe and messy, and asking her for a $14.4 million astronomical compensation
Tenant’s “crime”:
Ms. Wu’s information from the police station last week showed that she had accumulated 61 alarms in one year and a half. She said: “They did not pay rent for 19 months. My mailbox was destroyed, parking spaces were blocked, and they also maliciously wasted water and electricity.”
Legal basis for tenant’s $14.4M claim:
Its legal basis is San Francisco’s strict group control and tenant protection regulations.
The landlord might be a poor new immigrant, who has no money to afford the legalization even if tenant voluntarily vacate.
I don’t dare imagine if Jane Kim got elected mayor. Really need to consider liquidating in that case.
Better make a resolution to talk to at least 100 SF voters, informing them how toxic and how evil Jane Kim is.
Little Jane Wu would be homeless already if Jane Kim were the mayor.
Awesome! I’m in. Trump for SF Mayor. I think even buyinghouse could agree–it’d get him out of the whitehouse.
Jane Kim wants to “Make SF Homeless Again”.
Trump wants to “Make America Great Again”.
That’s the difference. To make SF homeless again, Jane Kim would first try to make property owners homeless again. Once property owners are homeless, tenants would have nowhere to rent or have no one to maintain the public housing, they would go homeless again as well.
The City is the issue…Their are no illegal units just unpermitted units…The city just wants the permit fees…
The rent control process is a huge money maker for the city…Ergo they are the problem not the solution…eliminate the city…Get rid of permits, zoning, rent control…There will be more housing and lower rents…
Well, pardon my openness, but I ought to be stupid to keep crashing on the wall every day expecting a door to exist out there. I compare you cry babies with myself and my travel to the immigration process that took me 18 years to fix. Day after day I participated in immigration forums, trying to find consolation on the words of those who knew or wanted me either gone or staying in this country. I couldn’t fix the problem no matter what I try, be a republican or democrat administration. I was doomed! Not until something in the same laws, for what I studied big time, gave me the rationale and the experience to defeat the system. Big time!
A question lingers. How long this has been going on? It seems that you are “in the Nile” when it comes to be mad and kicking and moaning like your president but no change? If this is a political problem, how come administrations come and go, but SF is the same place with the same problems, same politicians, same stupivisors, and same cry babies? Maybe this is a cultural issue? I’ve read you guys and I keep seeing these voices pounding on the “Chinese” or whatever. Maybe the cultural divide, or cultural lack of political experience is cutting your expectations short since the majority of the landlords may not be able, or want to vote when their votes are needed?
There are meetings where the smartvisors propose x or y proposition, excuse the redundancy, but landlords are nowhere to be seen. It is you the problem, you the one thinking that insulting (for what you ought to be spammed) the supervisors you are going to change their ways to do things.
Go and march, protest, and vote for your favorite candidate that later will turn into your next stupidvisor. Becoming an online warrior here, ain’t going to do anything but amusing your fellow forum posters.
And, think, and don’t belong to the group of those landlords that think they should pinch any penny by not doing repairs on time, absconding permits, not returning rent deposits on time, and you know the rest of the story. You are setting personal mines that will explode in your face.
When it comes to legality, you can’t just eliminate permits, whatever. The system is elaborated to always protect the citizenry, you won’t win against it, but you can join it to minimize whatever you think is the damage.
Right here? You can insult all you want, you know you won’t change anything, you know that, right?
Which then comes to a second question: Are you a citizen of the US to vote? If not, what are you waiting to become a voter?
I feel like we are not getting the full story somehow. It is a LOT of money that they’re suing for and perhaps some things happened that are not included in the article.
Plaintiffs look at lawsuits like lotto. Their lawyers are working on contingency…No cost free ride…They are hoping landowner caves…In Europe contingency litigation is not allowed…much more civilized
United states makes me very worried with its legal system, arbitration & lawsuits over practically nothing.
But an industry was born out of it - umbrella insurance.
Gotta get one.