The 9,000+ Lies President and his Lying, No Dignity, Racist, Cheering Supporters

I don’t know anything about Wikileaks said the POS in the white house.

I will give you Trumpcare, better than Obamacare your head will spin. Of course you dummy! It will be after I get reelected! I know you are so stupid to believe me…again, right? :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I will make Mexico pay for the wall.

I will release my tax returns, except…hmmm…they are under audit (forever).

I won’t play golf at all. $100 million spent in 2 years, surpassing any president’s 8 years in office…

My administration will be so transparent. I am exonerated by Muller, buy hey! I won’t release the report.

You will get $1K to buy a brand new car or remodel your kitchen. Taxpayers got less refunds than any other year.

Tax cuts will erase the national debt. $22T and the debt clock running like crazy!

Nepotism in the white house. All his kids running personal business while representing the US, but we are paying the SS for their protection.

Selling nuclear program to the Saudis.

Allowing Russia to take over Turkey and Egypt military programs.

So many lies, my head is spinning afer returning to this POS country, God! Traveling to Europe has shown me this country has been turned in the last 2 years in a POS place.

Now, as enemy of the first amendment, do your job. :joy::joy::joy: