The Crazy Story of the Professor Who Came to Stay—and Wouldn't Leave

In October 2015, as she was planning a semester-long research trip to Paris, Abel logged on to to find someone to rent her house. The site bills itself as a sort of Airbnb for academics; its motto is “A place for minds on the move.” Abel, an English professor at the University of California-Berkeley, quickly received a bunch of responses, the first of which came from a political scientist at Sarah Lawrence College named David Peritz.

And the ordeal began…

Send this story to your local representatives. Hope they will read

Airbnb is a lousy idea for homeowners. Should just let the home vacant. Many wealthy guys in Singapore leave their homes empty for long duration… don’t even bother to rent it out… not worth the trouble dealing with tenants who might or might not trash your homes… to earn a few pennies but disturb your focus to make pounds. I’m just not rich enough, otherwise would do the same thing. Prefer stocks over RE.

Yes airbnb is a bad idea for landlords. Too many weirdos out there. I take a lot of time to vet my tenants. It’s just not feasible to do that for someone only staying couple days.

Those who bought a home near Google or FB are renting out to corporate rentals. They charge a lot from those on expense account. I know another family in 95130 who leased to anyone and got what they did not expect. A wild party rented by students resulted in a police raid. The complaints and clean up cost was too steep. Someone left a bad review on it also leaving no one call about that place.

Did Berkeley started rent control and eviction control?Maybe it’s good to teach Berkeley professor a good lesson.

Will this eviction process turn this English professor to a libertarian?

Hope this David professor rent another house from a landlord SF supervisor.

Airbnb might as well educate many people about the landlord business and the eviction process. Hopefully it’ll make people think twice about all those “tenant protection” policies and regulations.

May Airbnb bring a landlord revolution!