Trading wars impact

I wouldn’t call it sabotage. There are 2 different camps. Only Trump decides in the end depending on who gets his ear.

In a way the sabotage is good. It shows clearly the market is on edge. We all know how much trump cares about the stock market. Nothing grabs his attention than a daily reminder it’s his game to lose.

I disagree that he went into negotiations with China knowing that he will lose.

If market is the barometer of success or failure, maybe the Chinese need to check their markets.
China 2018 below:


I don’t mean Trump went in knowing he will lose.

I mean it’s on him to descalate and solve the crisis he himself made.

Don’t you see the pattern now? Trump created his big crisis. Trump solves the said crisis. Big victory for Trump.

He has sold a lot of snakeoil in the past, so you might be right. We will find out. :slight_smile:

IP issues are significant. This is good long-term if there’s an agreement on that part. Honestly, anyone in SV should care about it. If IP theft has no consequences, then there’s little reason to pay engineers big money to create things. You can copy them far cheaper. Lack of IP protection would be very bearish for SV salaries, VC finding, and home prices.

No doubt China stole some IP. But how serious is that? So far I have seen a lot of allegations but very few concrete evidence. The most recent one I saw involved T-Mobile and Huawei that happened in 2016 and that both parties have settled. Also court cases involving Micron and a small company in China.

This allegedly massive theft of IP has been happening for a long time, again, allegedly. Where are the signs of “very bearish for SV salaries, VC finding, and home prices”? From what I can tell, salaries, VC funding and home prices have been going up, up and up.

There is a great deal of fear mongering and demonizing of China going on in the West right now. Remember that motherboard story from Bloomberg? To this date Bloomberg still hasn’t retracted it. Meanwhile people in the West are told they should fear Huawei because the Chinese government is going to put them under mass surveillance via some unspecified means.

The content of this forum is certainly not helping…



Yup. That Bloomberg article cited law enforcement sources too.

If they have solid evidences where are the indictments? If we could just trust the government (off record I guess?) why bother having courts.

Everybody else is wrong except Chinese govt and the 50 cent army.


You got the scale wrong again. It’s 5 cent. :smile:

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Do you realize that a company will go bankrupt before they have a case heard in the World Trade Court? It’s literally not worth the time, since you’ll go bankrupt waiting for a decision. Your best bet is to try to out race the theft. I’m sure you sleep better being in denial about the problem. Denial doesn’t make it not real.

You can try the case in American court. Which SV company has gone bankrupt because of Chinese theft?

Again, I am not saying theft doesn’t exist. They do. I am just saying they are no way as serious and prevalent as Trump admin claims. They are saying it costs American companies more than 300B a year? At that scale I expect way more indictments and way more convictions.

They don’t go bankrupt, because they focus on innovating again. If they did nothing and waited for the courts to rule in their favor, then they’d be bankrupt before they’d get a ruling. $300B isn’t that big when you look at it vs. total GDP.

Also, do you really think China is going to willingly hand over evidence, so the case can be made against their companies or government?

There are cases:

You can see how ineffective it is to use the legal system. The individuals stealing get some jail time. Nothing happens to the people receiving the info. They are literally rewarded and will look for another person to leak info. This doesn’t even count all the hacking.

Or the guys with 200IQ :smile:

Top 10 cases of all time. This is the T-Mobile case I talked about:

Huawei apologized and said it fired the two engineers. However T-Mobile pursued its case and in 2017 a Seattle jurydecidedthat Huawei misappropriated T-Mobile trade secrets and awarded the wireless operator damages of $4.8 million.

What? $4.8M damage already makes the top 10 list? Top 10 of all time, not any one year.

You can make up any number you want if you just want to guess without evidence. Why stop at 300B? Why not 3T a year?

We get it. You don’t care about IP theft.

That case was in US court and still took 3 years from filing to resolution. By the time there’s resolution, both sides have new technology.

Did you just give a reason IP theft is not that important to begin with?

Amazing… China is stealing IP because it’s not useful :rofl:

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