Trump announces temp deal - looks like all parties agreed


They , both parties, saved the country now!

I want to be a federal employee. All of the employees who got furloughed will get full back pay, essentially more than a month vacation.

I got an email a few days ago from my hair salon offering free haircuts to government employees :roll_eyes:

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Sounds like they kicked the can down the road and we risk another shutdown whenever this temporary agreement ends.


I’ve never see this when a major corporation announces layoffs. No one offers those people anything, and they are really out of a job. The government workers still have their job. They just had 2 paychecks delayed.


Many live paycheck to paycheck and experienced real hardship.

Also it’s not a vacation if either you still need to work but without pay, or you need to come back to work at a moment’s notice.

Trump lost huge. Curious to see whether Trump and GOP’s poll numbers will recover from this. He shot himself in the foot again by threatening another shutdown, in the same speech announcing the reopen. Reminding the American people again he owns it.


Government employees are 800000, but contractors will be appx 1.2M+. Contractors do not get paid.

All projects were dysfunction as no one to lead in government, all items dispatched to government warehouses are sitting with no one to receive, demurrage charges…lot of work lost 35 days.

Bloomberg was telling thousands of government sites secured certificate are expired and prone to hack or intrusion etc.

Government is the highest spender in the economy and it was standstill 35 days.They estimated if government shuts down 90 days, USA growth will be zero for 2019. The impact of 3 months shutdown is much more than tariff issues.

Lucky we escaped, no one , including Trump, won’t think of shutdown again on Feb 15th.


Trump did untold damage to the economy. He caved. Basically it’s the same agreement that was on the table before christmas. so a 30 day temper tantrum instigated by fox news before he signed the budget has bought people nothing but pain.


Art of the deal - My A**! :smiley:

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Government employees aren’t low paid. They are well paid with a generous pension. They don’t even have to save for retirement. Financial planning 101 is to have enough savings for 6 months of living expenses. I don’t see why we should feel sorry for people who ignore that. Again, people don’t show that sympathy then there are large tech layoffs, and those people actually lose their job. It’s not just a month delay in getting paid.

We keep encouraging people to not be prepared then cry for help when something bad happens. It’s just the further entrenchment of the victim mentality which makes it so individuals are never responsible. Make everyone a victim unable to change their situation, and they’ll all vote for the government to fix their situation for them.


Do we now require certain moral characters in order for people to get paid? For the work they have done and keeps doing?

If you do work you Are entitled to getting paid. It’s that simple. No need to ask another question.


Now you’re pivoting and changing your argument.


The shutdown is a total disaster for Trump. He went into the Schumer Pelosi meeting claiming total responsibility for the shutdown. Once he took that off the back of Democrats, what leverage did Trump think he had? Was he secretly hoping Schumer/Pelosi actually care about the economy or average workers? Whoever advised him on that should be fired.


IMO, it was his ego, he wants to teach a lesson at the expense of people. Finally, it is a lesson for both the parties.

I don’t think gov’t employees are necessarily that well paid, but almost certainly better than those working at McDonalds who we probably should have sympathy for. But this is a situation that they know can happen and they should be prepared for. My parents worked for the government for a long time (DOD/DOE) and knew very well that every new administration had the possibility of taking away their jobs–forget shutdown, try just big slashes in DOD/DOE funding because a new party, new prez took over, and there goes your project and your funding for the next 4 years. They saved as much as they could, shopped garage sales, Costco and Goodwill. I really expect the same frugality of those now.


Unfortunately easier said then done. Know a fair number of people that work in the Fed govt. the mid level and senior people were ok. The ones that were messed up pretty bad were early career people who had not been working long enough to have any reasonable savings (basically young kids who had been working a year or two). Lots of them hitting up food banks and what not

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