TWTR bombed, not buying

bloody fucking week.

I haven’t bought anything since 2014.

Wow, you did nothing to stocks and still talked about stocks for all 4 years! And you are not planning to do anything to stocks.

Yes. That’s the beauty of buy and hold. Buy early and forget about it :slight_smile:

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I’ll buy more if there are more bombs, right now it’s not explosive enough :slight_smile: Go ahead, keep them coming.

Time to exit stock market

Sell your rentals too.

Build one of those survival bunkers. Stock it full of water, guns, and food.

You might be right. Bay tech economy is peaking and Prop 10 is leaking, need to think about it

@BAGB I might have missed but looking at your lobbying muscle for Prop 10, you either have a ton of rentals or have only “1” that you are dearly hanging onto :slight_smile:

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And at least one in SF due to his obsession with Jane Kim.

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Black Friday. :scream: :scream: :scream:

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won’t like this. no hearts for you.

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How’s your 6 digit loss treating you today? :smile:

6 digit loss today. 7 digit gain later. :smile:

I am fighting Prop 10 due to the economic freeze and the housing freeze it would bring over here to kill the great golden state.

Just spreading words and news and wait for you guys to take actions.

My donation was $100 a time, but plan to donate multiple times and to multiple PACs. Maybe some guys here would write 1k or 10k checks to prevent the housing freeze, tech freeze and economy freeze. If many people give their lunch money to fight Prop 10, we can potentially prevent housing freeze and the subsequent economy freeze.

I’m spreading the news not for my own interest. There are many things I can do as a small owner to mitigate or even take advantage of the market freeze and prop 10 won’t hurt me much since I am relatively informed. The people Prob 10 will hurt the most are the people who never heard about it.

Keep yourself informed and understand key regulations is a must in this highly regulated state. It’s getting more highly regulated daily

7 digit gain in 1 day? :heart_eyes:

Wait until I can lose 8 digit in one day. :smile:

Today’s stock market is a leaky bucket. Sell sooner than later.

Just kidding, make your investment decisions wisely

Ok now I know you are extrapolating way ahead into the future… :rofl: