Uh Oh....The Layoffs Begin

Directors are now like managers 20 years ago.

  • Associate Director.
  • Director
  • Senor Director…
  • Executive Director
  • Principal Director
  • yada

In 1 company that I worked in the past, the direct report engineer(younger) got paid more than the manager(older by at least 10 years) the engineer reported to. Of course, the key was the manager had less ego and wanted the engineer to stay.



Are you referring to banks?
The traditional tech companies are still using…
Senior Manager
Senior Director
SVP/ Chiefs

No many companies have added more levels in between.
Even among VP rank, now there are 6 or 7 types in large tech companies.

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Yeah, some people on my hockey team are AMZN, and they were talking about it Sunday. It’s still not 100% clear if it will be 20k layoffs or 20k reduction including attrition. The targets haven’t reached all the teams yet.

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META and AMZN have been hiring madly for past five years. Which business segments? Cloud computing?

If one’s job is easily replaced by a bot, they should seriously think about if they are contributing to society at all.

For those who can harness the new technology, they will be making even more.


Another implication is some tech businesses would be affected. Could be a real threat to Google search. Google is capable of building such a chat bot but it would need to re-invent a new monetization scheme.


Bot not for prime time yet. Still need a human in the loop. It’s kinda similar to driverless car. It can get you to your destination 95% of the time, but unfortunately it will also kill you 5% of the time if you don’t pay attention.

But with a skilled human in between it has the potential to vastly boost productivity. A programmer who uses the bot to write programs and then modifies it to make sure it’s correct can be 10x as productive, and can thus make 10x as much.

In any case back up the truck on AI companies like Nvidia.

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First, this one is nothing but a marketing show for ChatGPT, startup kind of ideas, not at all a challenger to Google search! There was a discussion at reddit how reliable this ChatGPT for algorithmic work, but feedback was not so great.

In next 5 years, if ChatGPT exists, then let us discuss further!!

Few years before, we had internal review how google search engine works etc, it is smart, massive and hard to complete. Appx 5-7 years before, Google created lot of research AI stuff and left them free in public domain too.

Long ago, PC is a toy. EV is a toy. Cloud computing will never be successful. AI is a joke.

Are you assuming Joe said it is ready for prime time? Did you watch the video?

Just search who contributes more on AI research papers => It is google !
It has its own area where it works, but global domain (like FSD etc), it is still not proven yet.

I watched smal portion of that video.Based on reddit feedback, people were asking whether they can use ChatGPT for stock algorithm…etc, some responded not worth.

Prime time…etc are marketing the product etc, they max talk nicely 60 minutes.

Real product: When TSLA announced model 3, there were 400k registrations, which no one expected including Elon Musk for such demand. That is where big funds/banks started seriously evaluating TSLA for big push.

Joe said is not ready for prime time. He considered it might be a threat in the future. Recognize potential threat early. Btw, Joe is heavily invested in GOOG. He needs to assess the potential threat.

I am not deriving anything from Joe (may be I am novice). I watched some video part “let us get five dividend stocks…etc”. Such are typical demo for publicity.

Before my algorthmic work, I wrote may AI (Machine Language) samples, 25 from ML and another 25 from general github, none are consistent. Even now, some lecturers or acedemic researcher are claiming ML works/AI works…etc, really I have not seen any confirmation so far. Most of them hypes and dies in due course.

In AI field, Google is well developed and leading company.

But, In next 5 years, if ChatGPT exists let us see.

Watch the entire video before commenting :slight_smile:

Sorry, I am not so much interested (feeling waste of time, or may be wrongly in the cross talk).

I agree to disagree, that is all I can do now!

? What you said is similar to what Joe said in essence :wink:

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Any of you logged in ChatGPT and tested? If no, here you go ! It is just a hyped normal SFO startup !