Uh Oh....The Layoffs Begin

FED chair has been telling this every conference that inflation is a big issue and to kill inflation they are raising rates.

Dem. Govt clearly supports FED as they feel stock investors are rich, raising rates affects stock
Market immediately but will help inflation!

Whereas Trump period he and rep grilled FED to print more money and keep rates low !

Either we blame fed or either dem or rep govt, this has been going on many decades since 1905 onwards.

The raise rates, crush stocks, crush jobs and then release handle.

In 2003, I felt very bad when I was directly affected by lay off notice ! Knew that pain, it has been going on and on every decade !

My director at that time told me, “You have good skillset with green card, you will be able to easily get a job”. I did not even like to hear that.

What I gained out of that? => Blaming others will not help. Finally, everything comes to us (securing job, investment or any action). Our action must be correct and must protect us.

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We have to take personal responsibility for our decision.

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Thing is that those who own a house have their wealth increase, and their “rent” decrease. Those who don’t are the ones most screwed… This of course, is the lesson I first learned in the RF forums from elt1 et al, but it’s also why those making these decisions don’t really feel the pain. They almost certainly own their house.

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It is traumatic for those impacted, but 300 is minuscule in a job market as big as the Bay Area. One of the HUGE risks of working for a legacy company is skill obsolescence. The old companies typically aren’t adapting to new technology and tools to keep up with the times. When those employees are laid off, it can be brutal to find a new job.

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Click bait => Hundreds of tech and biotech layoffs rattle Bay Area job market


This is the problem. Everything is politics in pursuance of long term stated goals. In this case long term goal is “keep gas prices higher so that people shift to EVs”, but we need to win the elections so we will screw them, however AFTER we win elections, so keep prices low till elections(links posted below). The people at top have made so much money that they have lost touch with people who vote for them, so their day to day problems don’t affect them.

However, it stated that the U.S. “suggested” the cuts be delayed by a month.

Saudi Arabia has claimed it was pressured by the Biden administration to delay by a month a decision to cut oil production, a move that would have reduced the likelihood of an unpopular fuel price rise just before the US mid-term elections



Is ok so long they are in sync with improving quality and standard of life.

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Crime, high cost of living, homelessness, lots of illegals competing for jobs for the low skilled etc etc are good for quality of life only for certain people :slight_smile:


How as it valued at $12B in the first place?

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cheap money.

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They’re still a company? Meal kit is definitely a dying business model. If people wanted to do the work, then they’d just get normal groceries delivered. If people want convenience, they have restaurant food delivered.

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