Virtual Furniture

I looked at a few more of her listings and the common thing I see is that some of the bedrooms are not staged so left empty. Not in all cases, but there are a few like that and light staging is deployed in the living room and kitchen. Not bad strategy, do at least something in the areas that people gravitate to and leave the bedrooms bare so that people get an exaggerated impression of how big they are.

Or do the virtual staging for $35.

NO!! Again, what about the people who actually go to the open house??? They want to see something nice and complete. Do just the non bedrooms then. That makes at least some sense.

That’s what I have been saying all along. Do hybrid. Real staging for living room or master suite, and virtual for the smaller rooms and outside.

Oops sorry!!! Ok, but I still say that the cost of doing partial vs full may not be worth haggling over when it is all said and done. The stager obviously wants to charge you more and he/she is already expending labor and time to go there already so the stager will make the whole deal compelling. That’s what I would do if I were the stager.