What About This Stock?

Which is better to buy? Or if you never vote anyways, should you just buy the cheaper one?

They usually perform the same. The non-voting shares trade at the same discount to the voting shares. So really, you can own either.

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For the same money, own more :grin: non-voting shares. Make a difference if the shares give dividends.

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Stocks seem to be stabilizing after last round of tech selloff!!!


Except few stocks, almost everything came back. Good pull back !

OLED & QCOM are good from the Forbes article.

Best investment: TSLA up 1000% in 5 years :heart_eyes:

Good investment: FB up 300% in 5 years :grinning:

Average investment: GOOG up 150% in 5 years :slight_smile:

So so investment: YELP up 50% in 5 years :neutral_face:

Worst investment: JCP down 80% in 5 years :sob:


No on is talking about Oracle. It’s up 8%+ to a new ATH on earnings. Also, MSCI is going to add mainland China stocks to emerging markets index funds.

No one cares about oracle, msft, intel, Cisco, ibm anymore. They are the forgotten tech “dinosaur” stocks. The “hip” and “in” and “cool” stocks are the FANG and tesla.

FAANGT :slight_smile:

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Oracle is still a big employer in the bay area though.

Yes it is…

oracle, msft, intel, Cisco, ibm are established, but growth wise not even matching with Apple.

Growth stocks are key for investments.

Right now, Apple has double topped and went down to lowest and has potential to grow further ! (Hanera may like this one !!).


When everybody thinks these stocks are in and cool I avoid them. My friend tells me she wants to buy Amazon at $1,000/share, I ask her if she expects the stock to go $10,000+/share (no offence to @marcus335).

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I expect Tesla to go to $10,000+/share though… ok, at least $5000 per share :slight_smile:

Go with what you know, Fearless Leader…

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