What other income stream other than RealEstate & Stock?

Harriet is not a good choice as she would hen-peck my son. I know by personal experience :cry:

A few milk tea places I went, I notice a dad and his daughters :grinning: running the place. Wonder whether that is what the dad has in mind.

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No, itā€™s called putting money in your pocket :unamused:


This actually makes a lot of sense.

Similar to laundromats making lots of money in the low-income neighborhoods.

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Be a franchisee in elonā€™s new candy company.

Typical engineer, would rather do anything but engineeringā€¦ just a petulant child lashing out at Buffet

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Great idea. An actionable variation of ā€œscratching your own itchā€ā€¦

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Sounds stupid. Each founder has a story like this, this one smells bs.

His new startup X.ai sounds pretty lame. But I like his notebook idea.

I guess nothing changed for most people on this. Definitely didnā€™t for me yet :frowning:

Just saw a couple FedEx routes for sale. One is in Hayward. @caiguycaiguy you want it?


noob alert
what would it cost if you had to set up the 5 routes yourself?
For the Hayward one, why it does it look like the cashflow is inflated? Would you not have to account for benefits for the drivers?