Why-are-we-protecting-illegal-immigrants-in-this-country - 2

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:flushed: need to serve in military to get a citizenship? Starship troopers!

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Didn’t read the article yet, but the scenes at the border suggests millions coming in via open borders.

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That’s a lot of money. I wonder how much other countries spend on programs for people who are illegally there?

Read recently(haven’t verified) that 2 of the 4 US citizens who were killed in Mexico were killed because of mistaken identity. The killers thought these people are members of a rival people smuggling gang. Now think how much money is involved in getting people across the border that it’s a turf war like drug turf wars are.


looks like they include children of undocumented but not include the tax contribution in future. Don’t know if they corrected in 2023 report


Did they or didn’t they?

Will look at it later.

You’re the Data scientist here so let me know.

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@manch’s favorite Democrat President welcomes illegal immigrants with open arms. Screw those highly educated and competent legal immigrants. He wants illegals! Wait a minute. Is @manch an illegal immigrant?
Biden Considering Granting Amnesty, Handing Out Green Cards To Illegal Immigrants