Worldwide Baby Bust

Both me and wife are stay at home parents. Reason why we can’t afford a $3M Palo Alto shack.


Saw some cool demographic charts.

  1. China’s working age population reached an inflection point in 2015, while that of the US continues to grow.

  1. Working age population in multiple countries normalized to their respective peaks.


There are conflicting data on this matter. What is real US population.
The native population of USA is stable or on decline. immigration has been driving US population growth for last several decades.

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That shows the natural population is still increasing just at a slower rate.

When a curve slopes down (the orange curve in the graphic above), it means a decline to me. I cannot understand why it is suggesting a growing population to you, unless you are looking at something else.

It is births - deaths. The number would have to be negative to signal population decline. The population is still growing, but it’s growing slower.

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Thanks for the explanation. In the US, immigrants make more babies per thousand (do not know in the absolute numbers – can be dug out) . So in a way still contradicts the graphics which shows US population still rising at least through 2100. It needs to separate how much of growth is attributed to immigration (and babies born of immigrants) and the babies born to US natives so that it makes sense what constitutes growing US population.

what is a US native? my parents were immigrants, I was born here. Am I considered a US native?


There are two tests for nationality: son of soil or son of blood (Jus solis or Jus sanguini). McCain was born of American Parents in Panama City, Panama, but regarded an American citizen(Jus sanguini). Regarding Jus Solis, things are not clear. US is one of few countries that grants citizenship to children born of immigrants (even those present illegally) on US soil if the children/parent demand US citizenship (it is not automatic or binding as I understand - children of immigrants can claim citizenship of the countries of their parents).

So, at any given time, the total population living in any country, city, or a place, is made up of those who are temporary (or even illegally) and those who are resident of the place.

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I’m surprised at the “Asian driving much of the population growth”. Most Asian families that I know only have 1-3 kids. The families that I know of with large number of kids (5-8) are all white or Hispanic.


Asians are too broad. Some Asians do have 5-8 kids.

I guess I’m thinking Indian/Chinese/Japanese.

Are Pacific Islanders included as Asians?

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2.2 children per family is enough just to keep the population stable. For growing population, more is needed. Which means return to traditional families (patriarchal families?) - fewer divorces, children respecting parents and elders, dad actually raising children rather than abandoning them and so on.

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Niall Ferguson: China’s Demographics Spell Decline Not Domination

In the latest edition of its World Population Prospects, the United Nations Department of Economic Affairs offers various possible scenarios for countries’ populations. In the case of the US, both the low-fertility projection and the zero-migration projection see a decline in population by the end of the century of around 16%, from the current 336.5 million to around 280 million. But that is not the UN’s base case. In its medium-fertility variant, the US population rises 17% to 394 million by 2100. In a high-fertility scenario, it rises to 541 million.

By contrast, the UN offers no scenario in which China’s population does not decline. Best case, it falls by a fifth. Base case, it declines by 46%, to 771 million. Worst case it falls by nearly two thirds, to 494 million. (You will notice that would be below the end-of-century total for the US in the high-fertility scenario.)

The only place where population is growing is Africa. Take care.

Did not know your grudge against the most famous African Elon Musk runs so deep.