Amazon HQ2

Sounds great!!! :smile:

It’s Texas. You can find a steak house, smoked brisket, gun shop, and strip club all on the same block.

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Austin might be different though. It’s a dot of blue within a sea of red… :slight_smile:

@hanera Ever? This should be its own thread may be :slight_smile:

I’m not encouraging you to visit a strip club, but it’s not exactly like the Bay Area is devoid of them Why bother going that far?


You need to hang out with me when my wife is in Malaysia in December. As my nephew would attest, Uncle Dragonboy is the man… I never saw a 21 year old smile so broadly. (No worries, sis and bro in law said he was mine to do as I pleased…)

So what have you done to him? :rofl:

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Remember, I am known for the kinky bachelor parties remember? My rep got so bad, all of the females told my wife and she shut me down cold. I never got to throw my own bachelor party (I know, I thought it was a unique idea).

To this day, my sis-in-law is still finding lime wedges in her Saratoga estate…:grinning:

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Oh… didn’t know. Sure, let’s do that… that meet and greet white elephant party of ours is a good starting point :wink:

I’ll be careful. He is inviting you… fishy.


is good…

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And he has lots of properties on which to bury the bodies.

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ok let’s go together… should some misfortune like that happen no one will be buried alone… :rofl:

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If I pay either one enough, maybe @harriet or @gal can pop out of cake for you…

“All you single ladies…”

People have a fit over what the Google engineer said, but that’s ok?

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Come on, @marcus335, completely different…

I should hope they are classier than that.

Yeah, Philly, you don’t want it…really

(Ok, how many more of these articles do we write on the other candidates???)

It amazes me how many people think cheap housing is the best thing for a city. Detroit has tons of cheap housing. How’s that working for them? Cheap housing is usually a result of: high crime rates, terrible schools, and lack of good paying jobs. Who wants to be that city, and who wants to live there?