Amzn stock--is it bubblicious

Did your stock net return beat house net last year?

Stock gain was 39%. Investment properties gained 28%.


Did you use margin? If you use 1:1 margin, stock return should be higher. Manch may used heavy margin to spruce up his return. Does Interactive allow 3:1 margin?

One thing I learned is that trading stocks is very demanding psychologically. One needs to rub out human nature and be super rational. I am no way near that of course. Talking too much about my investment, or having too strong an opinion on something will cloud my judgement. It’s better to be like a monk in that regard. Just think and observe. I already violated that rule by talking too much on this forum. :slight_smile:


Talk to us more about your stock investments. It’ll release the trading stress and make people live longer.

I talked about my KODK speculation real time here, it gives me an incentive to control risks and avoid loss


Yes I always use margin as usual. I don’t take margin into account when calculating my returns… that way it’s a more apple to apple comparison :wink:

I don’t use margin much, especially when dealing with KODK

One should always use decent amount of margin for maximizing gain… that’s a lesson I had to learn long time ago. I don’t trade options though or involve in any kind of speculative behavior… I just sit back and let the waves ride… Also I don’t mind talking freely on this forum because I don’t think anything people have said here have influenced my investment behavior so far…

We should be able to talk about stocks freely here. Nobody can trace the stock title to your personal info.

I’ll share my trading here as much as possible. It’ll serve as a way to help me disciplined.

I’ll avoid margin since I may trade speculative stocks

Um… I’m the most free person here with minimal secrets… I’ve even invited several people on the forum to my houses… they can dig up whatever they want about me I don’t care… :rofl:

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Ok, next time invite me to your houses

Sure… would you like to book an appointment for that? :laughing:

Ok, let me know when the next tour is up

Only four of us, BAJacket, myo, manch and me. Sure you want us to talk about your secret 金屋?

I think you can also add @realestatebull to that list… :wink:

Was not any golden house just a bunch of shacks… :rofl:

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I don’t track RE investments anymore, but like you,our stocks (or I should say combined husband’s and my portions) returned 38.5% in stocks. My husband and I have very different style of investing. But, when averaging 25+ years return, we show similar returns.


Omg… 25 years of investing in the stock market… people, we have a new member here who topped our net worth list!!! :rofl:


:open_mouth: I doubt that very much. Our salaries were not high, but my husband taught me when we married that no debt ever unless houses and that has worked well for us. We are not big consumers unless food (we buy the best) and travel. We have seen plenty of up and down markets.

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Don’t be modest… I know an UHNWI when I see one… :rofl:

LOL. Honestly I don’t know why you are downplayed so much here. They didn’t even put you on the millionaire list but you should probably be on there. Don’t you own a few rental properties? :joy: