Gun Control

The guy is sick said the liar in the white house.

But guess what he signed?

I take it you signed the impeachment petition 4x if you could???:grin:

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Exactly, he could improvise a car bomb or any number of other options. A gas leak in a kitchen could do a ton of damage with a delayed ignition source. It wouldnā€™t be that hard to poison a massive amount of people at church either. You just need something potent and slow enough so enough people drink their communion sip before realizing it. The NYC guy killed 8 with a rented home depot truck. Imagine if he had a bus or semi with a more densely populated area. Casualties could easily top 50. Thereā€™s literally endless ways a psychopath could kill lot of people. When they decide to go that route, it is their end game. They know they are going to die that day, so no laws are going to stop them from doing it.

The issue isnā€™t the gun. Itā€™s why canā€™t we detect people like this and catch them before they commit horrible acts of violence. We signed off on the patriot act and all that surveillance. These people spend weeks or months planning these events. How can they do that with not a single person knowing or suspecting anything?

Bombs take planningā€¦ in Texas you can just go to the corner store pick an assault rifl up with a 100 shot magazine and blow away 50 neighbors in 15 seconds. I mean everyone has a bad day once in a while ā€¦ right???


But realistically, any of those other ways probably would have been harder and perhaps foiled along the way. He was literally a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.

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These people arenā€™t buying the gun and shooting people later that day. They usually spend months planning it. It is their obsession. How can they spend months planning it and no one knows about it?

They might be marginally harder, but itā€™s not a degree of difficulty thatā€™d turn off someone willing to spend months planning it.

My mom visited me years ago. The day she got back home, my niece was leaving home, my mom asked her where she was going and she responded ā€œI am taking extra classes in collegeā€. Nobody noticed anything, but that day she gave birth to Richard.

But thanks for your so immature question why nobody notices anything. Are you 15 years old?

So letā€™s refresh this course.

The guy was sick, of course, being a white guy, what worries me if you are one with your mumble jumble, signs of mental deterioration :rofl:

So, he is sick, but allowed to buy guns. Why did the dumb republicans sign a piece of legislation allowing sick people to buy guns? And did it against the best whishes of Obama. Republicans owe Obama what? 85 lives just up to date in a couple of weeks.

But keep buying guns please!

Letā€™s allow one shot weapons only. Just like in 1789ā€¦ Good for hunting onlyā€¦ Not mass murder


Donā€™t let facts get in the way of your opinion.

I bet it would be stupid to read that you get ā€œticketedā€ when having 2 people ride on top of a horse. You would say ā€œbut thatā€™s like past century crapā€. You are right! The law, any law is intended to act in present time. Except some mumble jumble guys see it the other way. I donā€™t read anything about M-16s or bazookas in the second amendment.

I just read ā€œwell regulated militiaā€, which to me means ā€œyou ought to sign up with the army/militia, both well regulatedā€. :smiley::smiley:

But you alone are a militia? Thatā€™s new to me.


So sorry, twhitler pushed Americans to see themselves losing hundreds of human being due to ā€œSICK PEOPLEā€.



You clearly didnā€™t read or understand what it even meant. It only applies to 75,000 people, and the ACLU supported the decision. I guess now youā€™ll say the ACLU is the same as the NRA.

Are you dumb or dumber?
It seems that you pass your day trying to say no to whatever the common, the fearful for their lives American want. The elimination of any assault weapon that shouldnā€™t be in the hands of the gun nut aficionado.

So, if I go back in topics, believe me, I can dig into your stupidity about democrats and centrist trying to violate the second amendment while you use the ACLU as an example of why we are not asking that but the above.

ACLU in the idiot minds of conservative illiterate means democrats. You didnā€™t know that, did you?

What does it tell you that Trump and the ACLU agreed on something? Yet, you want to throw Trump under the bus for it.