Net Neutrality Goes Down! Should We Be Concerned?

Different rates for different time not the same as charging different rates for different applications. I think it’s fair to charge more for peak time. Not good if they look at how I use their pipe and charge me different.

I have a 100 MB plan at home where I routinely get 140MB+. + a cheap ass TV plan HD(CNN+CNBC+Food + HBO etc)… I pay @$115/month.

Every year I threaten COMCAST I will leave them and go over to DirectTV+ATT… and make sure my costs are down… :slight_smile:

The problem where Comcast has me by the wallet is my need to watch the local sports teams, so you have to buy an elevated package. Yeah, they got me…for now!!!

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That was my point. Some people, without any idea of what’s going on are, for the 20th time mumbling jumbling anything just to please their love for the party that is not leaving a rock unturned if it doesn’t make a penny for them. If you think the GOP is there to help you the people, look at the tax reform, they went from 39% tax bracket to 37%, but corporations to what? 21%. Duh!

DeVos: Loans for students. No forgiveness now. Cha-chin!

Goldman Sachs: Yeah! They are getting away with murder an idiot said one too many times but hired them.

Just now, they come up with the idea of let you drink water with lead in it. Screw you! they said, why regulate something that is going to kill you, if your water has it, your bad, once you drink it you become a sure voter for them, with no brains.

No regulation until it became necessary. Then study the situation and regulate surgically. Before genius, know-all superman robot is invented, free market is smarter than myself, you too!

The biggest risk of government is to be stupid and thinking it’s a genius better than market and better than human race.

I’m not against regulation. I’m against over regulation. I support traffic law.

It’s better to focus on criminal law and make people’s life safe and good. Don’t mess up with the market. If market can take care of it, do not act as smart but do really stupid things. Regulations to disturb market is usually a failure and it often achieves the exact opposite of what they pretend to achieve

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I think you need to renegotiate. I am paying $24.99/month for 50 megabit down service. cheapest i have ever had

Well, 200 bucks is technically after taxes and is for triple play (internet, cable and phone). I have too many areas with tvs so need additional 2 receivers as well. The only real gripe is that I don’t watch that much tv even with the focus on local sports. Comcast internet speed is terrific though, so wifey can video chat with her mom in Malaysia fairly seamlessly.

Cheapest in spite of net neutrality? i.e. even after government regulations???:wink:

Without it, there’s no way NBC should be able to own Comcast. They could give priority to all NBC content, so it streams perfect. They could decide to slowdown or limit the speed of Netflix data to ruin the service. The question is if Comcast did that would people quit the service in large numbers? Given how few options we have for internet service, it seems like a horrible idea to not have net neutrality. If they want this, then Comcast, AT&T, etc should all have to open up the infrastructure to new providers.


Dude, when is your contract up??? I feel like I’ve been hearing this for over a year already…

Dragon boy has major decision issue. No wonder he married late. Dude just make up your mind! I check sonic’s website regularly hoping they will roll out to my area soon. I hate Comcast!

It’s already repealed. Let’s see whether the Internet will end in a year

It was technically up last year, so I did weigh the Sonic change but eventually made the call to Comcast and they semi gave me a deal but it is still 200 bucks now. Believe me, Sonic sounds good but I am not completely sold on the reliability yet. I can not have my internet go down.

I admire some people for being so buried in time and history. For them, the prices of 2 years ago should be the same prices of today. 2 years ago, yeah, rent was cheaper then. Every renter wishes today their rent were the same price as before. Something happen in between, something happened, but I don’t know what.

What is laughable is their ignorance, even Republicans are complaining about this “if ain’t broken, why fix it”.


Don’t shoot the messenger!

Look, we all know Ajit Pai—FCC chairperson, former Verizon attorney, amateur film star, and Parks And Recreation superfan—is a total stooge. <----------- :star_struck::sunglasses::heart_eyes:

They are right!

Look at the way they laugh, the miserable trio, gee!

If the Dems win back the House (likely) and the Senate (longer shot) in 2018 net neutrality can be written into law. Of course Trump can still veto it, if he’s still around… We shall see.

I really don’t get the pig-headedness of the current GOP. They pushed thru a tax reform that’s historically unpopular. It’s even more unpopular than Bill Clinton’s tax hike. Go figure. Now killing net neutrality that has overwhelming popular support? What’s the big picture strategy here? To piss off people as much as possible?

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Maybe to deregulate and simplify? It might be trying to prove that this regurgitation is frivolous and the Internet still goes strong without it.

Did he say he wanted to reduce federal regulation by 80% or 70%?

IMHO, net neutrality is a business technicality and it’s not a big political issue. Other than us, the Internet “elitists”, most of the country could not care less.

Net neutrality is simply a competing business interests between new economy and old economy, why should we care? Why should we care how much Netflix should pay Comcast?

If you watch 50 Netflix videos a month, why should a black single mom subsidize you on your low Netflix dues?

I know, us SV elitists deserve the subsidy from the black single mom, but we can also allow someone to have a different opinion and try a different regulation or no regulation scheme.