173 Kiely Blvd, Santa Clara - feedback invited

I’ll chime in with the others to agree the staging and layout look great. I really like the colors and hardwood flooring. Including specific amenities in the description is important since you are paying extra for location. Is it quiet? The only suggestion I might have is to add some large potted plants around the outdoor sections, and remove anything that distracts (are those loose tiles? What is the device hanging by the laundry machines?). That is nit picky but I think that it could make the outdoor areas stand out more as very inviting bonus spaces that might be under utilized as they are now.

May I ask how much the rent is for this townhouse? Maybe it could be shared by techies (rent one room out)?

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I guess the pros(proximity to many tech companies, good school district) of this home is well stated (although I don’t really like the description starting with questions. It sounds less professional and more like student’s writing to me…).

On top of that, staging is nice as well.
My only complaint is window frames to patio look a bit old (somehow I look at window frames carefully to estimate the timeframe/level of update but maybe it is just me). Adding nice curtain may help.

Make sure LA doesn’t open the window during open house.
I visited one condo nearby during open house and somehow LA left the window open and I found that traffic noise was louder than I expected and it was the main reason I passed it.

Another feedback is too many photos of swimming pool.
If I see too many common area photos (especially multiple similar photos), I feel like the seller is not confident enough about his/her property itself and try to emphasize the common area or neighborhood instead. If I were you, I would limit the photo of common area to 3 or 4 only.

Gook luck!


That’s really good feedback. Thanks!

@cloud would love your feedback on the listing and any insights on what’s the threshold for Redfin Hot home tag.


The staging looks good . Some small feedback though along with good luck .

For all of my listings , I hot only have flyers ready during the open house but also something called “ Poperty Improvements List” . It’s just a spreadsheet of the details about the property . I feel most of our buyers are Techies and we deserve and love the detail . So when the husband wife are driving back from open house then one is driving the car and the other usually chomps through the spreads sheat. It’s an extra impression in the mind to prepare the psychology of the buyer to buy which you can carve in while they are driving around .

I also heard there is an internal forum in Companies like Google , Apple , Facebook where you can get listing posted. I display request that to a Google guy and Facebook to post that internally and that helps and they usually say they have shared it internally . You guys would know more about it because I haven’t stepped in any tech company from over 5 years now . Some of you who are working for these FANG companies should verify . Do you guys have internel social media to discuss all kinds of stuff ?


Yes. We usually get our rentals posted there to get exposure to techie employees

For employees only? Can outsiders post there? How?

Employees only. was useful when wifey was working in FANG. After she left, she would ask a friend or since some of our tenants are FANG employees, we would ask them

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Whenever you folks need just pm and I will post it at goog with the narrative “a friend of mine is renting his/her houses etc”.


Almost 3k views.


Thanks for the generous offer. I had asked a friend to post within Google. Can you confirm you see it there?

Thanks for the tips. With your listings averaging 50k views on Redfin, you obviously know what you are talking about!

I was using this approach myself and have asked friends to post this link at Goog, Appl.

Don’t know anyone at FB. Anyone on this forum will to help get this link posted at FB?

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Pool photos reduced to two!

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Still no HOT home tag. Algo demands more :scream:

Don’t you need to pay Redfin to get the hot tag :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Afaik, official answer is NO :wink:

Area I am monitoring, Got to hot home in 28 hours of listng, time to see if the other one follows too. This area is average around 1.1-1.2 (although one sell over 1.3M at the peak).


I felt Algo looks at view count and people putting as Fav, the one above got to hot home with 1200 views only.

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@Boolean Would you be able to help post the listing link on internal FB forums?

In the meanwhile, it seems I should be thinking of ways more people will mark this listing as favorite :joy:

Happy to.

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