AAPL and Apple

WB claims that he doesn’t interfere with management so how reliable is below rumor?

I believe the blogger added salt and pepper to/ misquoting/ misinterpreting whatever his friends tell him/her.

Be a Bank: Buying Treasuries is not being a bank, Apple has being doing that already. Be a bank would subject Apple to many restrictive regulations… don’t seem wise.

AI: Apple didn’t outsource AI at all, it merely didn’t want to create another chatbot based on public data… there are so many around. Apple built its own chatbot and AI agents for propriety data. During the earning Conference, Tim Cook said that he has moved many engineers into AI work, so has to cancel or outsource their previous R&D work to vendors.

Vision Pro/ Apple Glass: Likely follow the growth path of Apple Lisa/Mac. Initially, mainly for corporate and professionals. Apple plans to replace iPhone with Apple Glass (yet to be launched) by 2034.

If WB bought into AAPL is because he thinks iPhone is a “forever” business, selling AAPL because of Apple’s plan to replace iPhone with Glass is reasonable since his bullish thesis is broken.