AAPL and Apple

Omniverse poises to be big in design industry. Win-win for AAPL and NVDA.

Not sure how many actually read 10-K. Below is 10-K for 2023. Risk factors (macro, political, economic, business and industry risks) are described in detail in section Item 1A. Serious investors should read it now and then. Non-AAPL investors probably didn’t read them and blindly listen to cow dunks from social media.

A group of billionaires gang up against a $100millionaire… lame. Market shrugged it off.
Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 10.50.16 PM

It makes tons of sense for AAPL and GOOG to work closely together to fight off these guys.

Market doesn’t seem to shrug off today.

AAPL still racing with TSLA to $150.

Apple keeps saying its restrictive app policies are there solely to protect users and for privacy reasons. But it fails to mention in China it allows the WeChat app to bypass all these so-called protections when it suits them.

Such hypocrites.

Instead of working with industry standards that every other messaging apps use, Apple actively degrades communication with other apps.

For the users own good of course. Apple can do no wrongs in the eyes of cult members.


Do you have sufficient technical and business competency to assess what they said are accurate or merely parroting? So far, I didn’t see your demo of technical and business competency of above issues. Btw, I am not dismissing those accusations are accurate or not, I am not that competent, I only know is the job of company leadership to deal with such issues appropriately.

I interpret as I am not confident of my shallow analysis. Need a defense shield.

As to why you keep mindlessly bashing AAPL even though you have no interest in investing in AAPL, is a reflection of envy… seller’s remorse and missed-out mindset… You are spending inordinate amount of time for me to think otherwise. Just my humble opinion.

Again projecting your own emotions onto other people… SMH.

I am interested in Apple because I sensed a sea change. These changes come about once in a decade or longer. Apple drove the mobile epoch and became a 3T company on its back. It has since retreated from that high water mark. That old epoch has ended. A new one has come.

Anyone interested in tech trends should be very interested in how Apple adapts or, more accurately, fails to adapt in the new AI epoch. Just like anyone interested in tech should be very interested in Nvidia, regardless of whether they put money into the stocks.

Problem with this kind of fake objectivity is that, you have a high bar for info and opinion that you don’t like. But you will readily believe any rumors, like that ridiculous leaked roadmap from Samsung, if it aligns with your biases. End result is you believe anything that fits the cult narrative.

Double standard is a brain worm. Try get rid of it.


From @manch’s response, I conclude he is not confident of his…

Again my suggestion falls into deaf ears… is also an issue of prejudice and reading comprehension…

Disclosure: I actually didn’t want to talk much about AAPL (except for TA) here because many issues are widely discussed in social media and I believe bloggers have read about it… I don’t have any new insights to share. I started posted some of these rumors/news because SFers like @manch like to mindlessly bash (for many years) that I feel oblige to explain and post relevant updates. I see is a futile exercise… He keeps looking for “evidences” that meet his prejudiced view.

Thinking Aloud: So far, @manch didn’t show any demo of in-depth technical and business competency. He still continue to post mindless parroting, not well thought assertions and put words in others’ mouths.

That’s I agree. Is time for you to show your in-depth technical and business competency. Give analysis, not mindless parroting and assertion. Adding the words, “more accurately” is a judgement (demo prejudice)… already rumor that Apple is working with hyperscalers to adapt to the new Gen AI epoch.

@manch either has bad memory or intentionally biased… I have repeated my stand for all (not just Apple) companies many times here…

and yet he makes such remarks…

Thinking Aloud: When would I lose patient talking to people who has bad memory, reading comprehension issue, lack of critical thinking and full of prejudices.

Thinking Aloud: I use to think graduates have superb critical thinking skill and able to make deep analysis based on evidences/facts, very disappointed. Some talk like high school dropouts… some high school dropouts can reason better than those graduates.

Point #2 strikes again. Looks like Apple’s bad-faith “compliance” is not doing so well with EU regulators.

So Apple is getting in trouble on both sides of the Atlantic.


Bashing (note the thumb up) without analysis… I can’t help to think…

and not…

Below is the view of a well respected AAPL analyst (he is an AAPL bull so could be interpreted as being biased)…

“don’t expect much to change” is a judgement call… not likely to have no change.
“this will take a few years to sort out” is view gained from experience.
“People will still love their Apple products and continue to be loyal” is a prejudice view because we really don’t know.

Still waiting for @manch



Take it easy. No need to take offense at every negative comments people make about your beloved cult idol. I will not stop saying what’s on my mind. If you get triggered so easily it will make you sad for no reason.

Let’s see which name wins the race to $150, AAPL or TSLA. Both have strong cult followings.

Bashing strikes again…

Clearly not…

Btw, @manch didn’t own any AAPL and TSLA shares. Both have rocketed many folds since he is aware of these two stocks, clearly…

Below is how a knowledgeable analyst (or investor) would comment (not saying I agree with his views). I am focusing on the “how” and not the “what” he said.

As a person who believe in people, people, people especially the top leadership, my view of MSFT being stagnant during 2001-2011 is not due to lack of innovation. Is Steve Balmer refused to accept the cloud computing trend forcing the board to kick him out. Another is his weak technical competency, his approach of forcing “windows” on all devices (desktops, laptops, handheld) didn’t work out. I came to this conclusion after the facts, not because I am technically and business competent enough to realize earlier. Talking about competency, still waiting for someone to give me a bullet-proof deep analysis of current issues faced by Apple.


Those guys talk about DOJ suit in the early part of the show. According to Josh, is governments thinking big techs are too powerful. He said don’t worry too much about it. It won’t end and won’t do much damage. Similar sentiment as Gene.

Apparently many Xers understood the DOJ case, pure BS.

Well said :+1:

Non-financial advice: Buying opportunity is here. BTFD.

Cramer maintained that this lawsuit creates a buying opportunity for the stock. By close, Apple shares were down a little over 4%.

“I just got a whole brand spanking new reason to buy Apple, don’t trade it,” he said. “I know a loser case when I see one, and the United States of America versus Apple is a loser.”

I recalled some1 in 2017 could have bought AAPL at dirt cheap price but insist iPhone market has peaked. He would miss this buying opportunity again since he keeps looking for “evidences” that AAPL has peaked permanently instead of objectively looking at the fundamentals and buy when the price become damaged.

EWT: Have been talking about preferred count. Timely to update on the alternative count.

Since 2017, AAPL 6x… not bad for a dinosaur with a matured iPhone market.

The much talk about $150 in social media is not an EW price target. Is from price adjusted volume chart.


Ofc, when you’re acquiring, you pray for share price to decline as low as possible (not the same as AAPL haters’ wish).

Apple Gen AI strategy is a multi-pronged approach: Develop in-house. Partner with hyperscalers. Acquiring Gen AI startups for talents as well as their technologies.

An empty vessel’s view. Understandably, he is young and don’t really understand tech and business world. What is surprising is a CS Master Deg holder who had worked in a tech company for nearly 20 years talks like him.