AAPL and Apple

Did you go to the store? I have mine delivered to my apartment, Apr 11.

Nobody cares to be the gold star at this. This is worse than being great at backend work. No glory. Facts.

Hard cored gamers don’t like their favorite games casualized. In any case, I doubt the early versions are capable of streaming graphic intensive games. I hope there are original titles, not current titles, designed for streaming.

Ordering online, you entered the billing address. Using credit card in store, billing address is provided by the credit card company. Which method did you use? For the latter, you should inform the credit card company that the billing address is wrong.

The App Store app didn’t have sync with their web store. The web store has my current billing address, but the store app doesn’t.

Amazon would never make elementary mistake like this.

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It’s not streaming. Rather it’s more like an all-you-can-eat game bundle pass? You pay once and can download all the games you want. Just a guess. Apple doesn’t pay enough to have the good SWE’s for streaming.

Did you login using your Apple ID or as guest? AFAIK, logging in using the Apple ID, the App Store app grabs everything from the web store i.e. they are synced.

Is not revolutionary at all. Let’s what is announced on Monday.

Of course logged in with Apple ID. Apple just sucks at online services.

They are supposed to be sync :grinning: in any case, I always use web store. Probably why Angela has to go.

Much better than the junk Siri.

How come Aapl market cap still worth so much?

Apple event. Fell asleep when those jokers start talking about original programming, not into those stuffs. Most likely will subscribe to news+.

Selling the news+

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Closed at $188.74, higher than the price $175 where you decided to buy BABA which is trading at around the price you had purchased :crazy_face:

@harriet 3% discount for Apple products is not good enough for you? Definitely apply for Apple Card even if you buy Apple product once in a blue moon.

No, 3% is a lousy deal. I get my Apple products from Best Buy using my annual 10% off birthday coupon with my 2% cashback card (more if you have a Best Buy credit card which I don’t).

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Speaking of which bought some more BABA today. :smile:

The gaming stuff is good. Credit card is clever. News+ is meh. TV is underwhelming.

Less than 15% discount that @wuqijun got from his buddies :crazy_face:

Have you bought at the time I said, you can sell AAPL and buy more BABA :smirk:

Games and news are AYCE model. Presentation is lousy, merely want to let chicks and minority to present.

News without social is for old people. I get most of my daily news from twitter and Facebook. It’s 10x better than any weak sauce recommendation apple will make for me.

You talk like a frog in a well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Expand your horizon ! Tell me which city in China where women walk around with raised blouse revealing their breast? Which city where it is common to have a woman serving multiple husbands?