AAPL and Apple

I’ve been waiting for my chance to take a bite of Apple. :rofl: (all jokes are originals by me. ;))

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3 years 9 months passed…

AAPL $2.463T
AMZN $1.757T
FB $1.068T
TSLA $0.737T

Time is running out for @manch.

Maybe Biden and Xi can work together to destroy the evil :apple:

Obviously no one knows what Apple has in mind. Some analysts already mentioned Apple wants to do Level 5 Autonomous Driving. And I agree with this.
Apple is not interested in making just another car. It will be Level 5 Autonomous Driving or bust. So I won’t be surprised at all there will not be Apple car for many more years.

If Apple just waits until they can do Level 5, that would be a huge mistake I think. They need to get a product out fast and iterate. Imagine if Apple waited until they can do 4G level fast internet connections before launching the iPhone.

No way AAPL gets to level 5 by themselves. They will probably buy someone out. I’m not even sure if level 5 is doable by Tesla for another 5 years. Possible in some controlled environment.


Tim Cook Faces Surprising Employee Unrest at Apple

Apple, known among its Silicon Valley peers for a secretive corporate culture in which workers are expected to be in lock step with management, is suddenly facing an issue that would have been unthinkable a few years ago: employee unrest.

On Friday, Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, answered questions from workers in an all-staff meeting for the first time since the public surfacing of employee concerns over topics ranging from pay equity to whether the company should assert itself more on political matters like Texas’ restrictive abortion law.

Bad :apple:

Modified an old article with recent events. Similar articles have appeared since market cap of $200B till now $2.4T.

The stock’s market cap has grown from roughly $400 billion to $2.4 trillion over the past decade, a six-fold increase. Because Apple is such a massive company, it will be much harder for the market cap to double, let alone grow six-fold again anytime soon.

Same thinking as @manch who miss the six-fold increase.

11 days ago,

Now, if wave iv.a is not completed, risk of invalidating the count is high.
If count is valid, the bull run should run till end of the year.

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Tigress’ Ivan Feinseth has just reiterated a Strong Buy rating for the tech behemoth and attached a Street-high price target of $198. The implication for investors? Upside of 35% from current levels.


Biden and Xi need to do something to crack the bad Apple.

Time to buy pot stocks?


@manch needs to.

Why would Apple buy more properties in Silicon Valley in this era of WFH? I thought they were trying to expand into Austin and other cheaper places

Companies follow talents. Maybe there just aren’t enough smart people in Austin, despite it’s cheapness.


It makes more sense for Apple to expand its workforce outside Cupertino where the median home price is approaching 3M.
Maybe Apple is just buying these buildings to prevent any other major company from setting up shop near its Corp HQ. Sort of like guarding their own territory

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Does Apple not have offices already in these buildings?


Apple has more hardware engineers than SWEs.

Read the article, merely buying the building they are leasing.

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Yes, but not all HWEs need to work from the office. Many of them are managing the activities in chip foundries like TSMC or display suppliers like JDI etc. And chip designers are HWEs who work with EDA SW. They can WFH

Apple merely buying the building they are leasing. No new square footage added.

My neighbor is a chip design manager, he said he needs to go to office 2-3 times a week to check things out.