
I’m not a Biden fan but seems like it’s not true that Biden is allowing

I do not know how RECP is structured. But, importing from a block is easy unless RECP is controlling exports from RECP. If RECP can override bilateral trades, it is not much worth being a part of. Furthermore, there is nothing in RECP that cannot be imported from outside RECP.

illegal crossings are up because Biden is allowing them to cross by not enforcing the laws and policies that keep the illegals out of USA.

Economic policy = politics?

Politics is borne out of policy.

According to freedicitionary:

Policy: A plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters:

For example, “remain in mexico policy” forced the illegals wanting to cross into USA to wait outside the USA. Biden is not enforcing it.

Such broad definition leads to all issues are politics :slight_smile:

From the article:

“However, to focus on “illegal border crossings,” it’s more effective to omit field office encounters and focus on Border Patrol data. If we just look at encounters with Border Patrol, they triple from 30,077 last February to 96,974 this February. That’s an increase of 222%.”

Yeah, I’m sure it has zero to do with Biden or his policies since taking office. It’s just total coincidence and completely unrelated. It reminds me of when people counter with correlation doesn’t equal causation, but they offer zero other causes. It’s essentially a statement that the facts don’t align with their emotions, so they are going to ignore them.

Even 2019 had a huge spike under Trump during the same period. I think it’s better to wait for more time to see how the delta is.

RCEP is bringing down trade barriers. so if German firms invest in one country it can easily export to all other countries in RCEP… allocation of capital will be based on competence of each country to properly utilize it. You are either inside RCEP system or out.
Just look at some of covid related stuff moving to India from RECP countries. there is no way outside RECP countries can provide in such quantities.

India want its own industries to learn and grow. India has big market and talent pool. It does not really need RCEP. AND

United States is taking the semiconductor supply chain seriously.

There is a bill pending in congress:

It’s a yr/yr spike not a seasonal spike.

Every one taking semiconductor seriously and everyone want to throw money at it but it does not mean it is possible. you can master one part like chips but what about display panels? last year i bought Dell Ultrasharp display panels at $200 each. similar display panels now Dell website $500. display panel is everything.
reliable touch sensitive display . either on phone, auto or big screen not so easy.

Samsung just opened a display manufacturing plant in India to supply Indian market. Of course, this plant can be scaled up to export to other markets.

And, quietly, the Indian Unicorns are getting noticed.

I am not sure how Samsung can make OLED plant with paltry sum of $700m.
when they sold much older technology plant for $1.1b.
Foxconn tried to built LCD business with $13b plant in Wisconsin.

Unicorns are not industriall might. rather overvaluation of hype.

Because you are an ignorant person.

These might be hyped but work for India.

Samsung display was investing $3b into Vietnam back in 2015.
$700m is nothing consider inflation in 2021. there is no way such small investment has any bearing on large scale efficient manufacturing in RCEP countries.
You simply refuse to acknowledge that neither RCEP nor EU countries will invest in India for latest and greatest unless it is part of that integrated wealth creation system.

The display plant by Samsung in India is to supply Indian consumers. It has nothing to do with RCEP.
Just proves the point that India can manufacture and consume cheaply with in its boundary.

it only proves that India need Samsung assembly line for it domestic output without any skill development that will make India independent in display panels. The scale is simply not there.
I am not sure why you so India integrating into RCEP system as without RCEP India simply cannot develop.
why you do you think German chancellor made tough statement about India Pharmaceutical?.
why no western country is sending its vaccines to India?
If EU find out that India cannot produce things that are needed in crunch time. like Display panels/Chip shortage. than what you think EU attitude towards India will become?
remember EU has alot of Influence in Middleast and Africa (millions of Indian jobs depend on them). and RCEP countries will pressure EU to make policies that will beneficial to them in all corners of the world.

When you use the word “Industrial complex” with Agriculture. it means you are sending a message of using as weopon and that is just the start of trend. If you want to buy Non-GMO food at acceptable prices than buy that Hyundai vehicle built in Russia. This how the markets will be controlled and bargaining among countries will be done. Self isolating India that cannot produce what world needs will self destruct. I presume India is after short term wealth due to money printing that benefit software firms.

May I ask why you seem so concerned about India not being part of RCEP? 70% of world population is outside RCEP? You are correct. If India cannot develop, it will buy. And it sure can buy from where ever it gets the best deal. Can it not? Indian is a big market and sellers will be willing to sell should India need it. India is just trying to keep it self not tied to a trading block. That is it.

If India cannot develop, it will buy? I dont think you understand. if India does not produce products that consumers in West wants and India is beneficiary of money printing (aka software developers) and use that money to consume products made in RCEP countries. than what will happen to inflation in West?
Tremendous price gouging in shipping going on as bargaining power of RCEP countries increasing.