Americans are flocking to Dallas, Houston, Miami, Austin, and SF

Americans are flocking to Dallas, Houston, Miami, Austin, Seattle and SF.

I’m glad that SF metro is #10 in the in-migration rank.

Henera’s AUSTIN is #1 in population growth. SF metro also had 9% increase in 7 years.

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Their cities cover a large area :slight_smile: is a metro.

SF if they drug abusers/homeless/crime and soft crime fighting continues, people will flock out.
Hope People in SF stays in SF and not bring their love and peace elsewhere or else they’ll ruin other cities as well.

Here are the good places in CA

#10: SF-Oakland-Hayward
#19: Riverside
#23: Sacramento
#28: San Diego
#34: San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara

It’s sad that Los Angeles is the #2 in the worst list.

South Sacramento is still a shithole but more desirable than LA…:blush:
Glad we held on for 20 years…

…despite the syringes and 20 lb bags of guano…


7x7 is the world class city, right? Why leave?

“Obviously a lot of them are going to Texas,” Vranich said in an interview with the Dallas Business Journal . “It just makes sense.”

Calling @manch to move to Austin now! The flood gate is opening… Don’t buy in BARE! Act FAST! @Jil has already started to leave RE. You’re behaving like a 姑娘.

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The argument is weak companies aren’t profitable enough to stay. They get forced out and are replaced with stronger companies, like Uber…


Well, even Apple is expanding to Texas. @Jil understood Apple long term plan to manufacture all products in Austin (could change to DFW if it is that good but definitely not in California).

There is only so much room and talents in Bay Area. Yes, the weaker companies have to get the hell out to make room for the stronger ones. Last I checked Uber is still worth a cool 50B. How many companies in the world have market cap > 50B? Not that many.

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By your logic, homeowners should have to repurchase their home every 5 years. That way it’ll weed out the dumb who can’t afford it to make room for smarter people.

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Without Prop 13 we would achieve this kind of metabolism. Yes we should boot people out to make room for new ones. Whoever that came before should not have any special privilege.

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So you’d be happy with your property taxes doubling or tripling vs current? What happens once retail and service industry workers are so priced out they can’t live within a commutable distance? It’s already starting to happen.

Austin is almost there too. The commutable distance keeps increasing. If not for the few fairly wide highways and toll roads, the commute would be more than 45 mins. Nevertheless no longer to feasible to stay in the North of Austin and work in the South and vice versa.

Landlords like me help by providing reasonable rents, so they don’t have to buy :grinning:

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This is my impression of Bay Area - or at least on the peninsula. Compared to other mega cities, two things need to happen in order to increase the market efficiency:

  1. lower the transaction cost (capital gain exemption on primary residence), and increase the maintenance cost (property tax). These will allow baby boomers to move, who are otherwise “stuck” in Palo Alto, because a) their capital gain is like $3M, and b) moving to Fremont would triple/quadruple their property tax.

  2. for people who are pushed out, build efficient public transport network so they can commute from the exurbs. Even if you’re working in Palo Alto, there’s no need to be living on the peninsula if you can commute from San Leandro.

@manch, I like your optimism for bay area and agree with most points you raise, but if there’s anything I’m super pessimistic about bay area are the above two. I don’t think either will be resolved. For 2), frankly BA has pretty shitty geography - much of the “bay” is completely useless.

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I am solidly behind building more effective mass transit. Problem seems to be intractable for some reason. Higher capital tax exemption to save the PA millionaires is not political feasible either I don’t think.

We need to embrace change and creative destruction in order to make progress. Part of embracing change means getting rid of what’s currently in place. What happens when a company only hires but never fires? Keeping property tax artificially low for existing property owners is exactly the same as keeping rent artificially low for existing tenants. They are conceptually the two sides of the same coin.

In America’s Most Unequal City, Top Households Rake In $663,000

American cities aren’t designed for mass transit to be effective. If mass transit dropped people from the Central Valley off anywhere in the Bay Area, how do they get from mass transit to their actual job? It sounds like people want to live in a world like the Hunger Games. Just banish the poor to the most undesirable districts, and let them have long commutes via high speed rail to come in and serve the rich.

That’s ignoring the fact mass transit loses massive amounts of money per year before counting the costs to build it.