So crypto investors are both higher educated and younger. Interesting…
and probably easily influenced by social media / internet
Thanks. At this point, I only hold some Bitcoin and Ethereum. Trying to decide whether to pick up one more altcoin (which one?) or just buy more Bitcoin when price dips. Any suggestions?
I think that’s enough. Others are too speculative imo. Only one that has some actual use case is Sol but I’m pretty sure it will crash dramatically once the NFT bubble bursts and/or ethereum changes to proof of stake.
i am a huge fan of LINK’s use case and have totally bought into their vision around a cross chain protocol (basically they verify smart contracts off chain).
I don’t know what that means for the price of LINK the token, but I am totally bought into the vision. I think it is headed in the right direction.
Frankly, I think gold is worthless. Since bitcoin is a digital gold, it is worthless. It doesn’t matter what Jamie and I think, so long enough people think it is worth so much, it is worth so much. I also don’t believe the existence of … nvm, way more people believe, then it exists. The truth doesn’t matter.
Everything up to this sentence makes sense. This sentence is a bit off. It’s like that Zen monk who said his heart is all clear without a speck of dust. And then the master corrected him saying there’s nothing to begin with. Where can dust settle?
Truth is in the eyes of the beholders. It’s worth X because we all believe it’s worth X.
Josh said something pretty profound (to me). Bitcoin is worth so much because it’s useless. Its uselessness is a feature not a bug.
Who doesn’t know this? Anyone can draw a perfect ghost since nobody has seen one.
Once bitcoin and ethereum passes the ATH, fomo might just push it up to 100k by year end.
Another cycle post by Bob Loukas:
Soros still got sharp instincts. From last week:
And Dimon said it will be worthless. This week.
They all have it. It’s a no brainer not to own the digital gold as dollar slowly loses its reserve currency status.
You either swallow the koolaid or you don’t. Pretty pathetic we there are millions that would rather gamble than work. 11 million jobs empty. With Millions gambling on horse shit.
Welcome to the new digital age. House price will still go up as many of so called digital millionaires will still need a new fancy house and a vacation home. The deb ceiling and GDP may actually double up in the 5 years timeframe. Houses take up a chunk of it.
I want something tangible in the dirt. I just appraised a house in Redwood City for a friend. Paid $1.2m in 2013. Now worth $3m. In 8 years… will Bitcoin even exist in 8 years? What will be latest crypto to replace it then. Sorry but the new millennium has created the dumbest people that have existed in history.
Everything digitized Wonder when we can digitize ourselves
I am calling Bitcoin one million. 100K target is too low.
Remember I am the first one who called it.