Bitcoin's 10 trillion dollar valuation is fast approaching

Bottomed, bouncing now

Come on!!! :rofl:

If that were a bottom the earth is also flat… :rofl:

Not sure how truthful the following story is, but it’s worth a laugh at this guy’s stupidity…

It could be true. The commissons on Bitcoin are unreal.

If you have $0 to invest, then borrowing to start investing is a bad idea. Start with the basics and a responsible budget and saving money every month. Then start investing without leverage. Leverage is definitely a more advanced thing (most people will never use it), and you don’t want 100% leverage.

I’m curious how he was leveraging his bitcoin trades. Do the exchanges let you borrow against your bitcoin?

Wow, the whole pot thing makes him sound like one of @Elt1’s tenants. It doesn’t sound like he worked.

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it doesn’t sound like he was leveraging anything. He just got eaten up by the commissions. I heard they are about 20%.

“I began to trade more intensively with leverage … first with high leverage then with little.”

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The guy is a compulsive gambler

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And sank below $10k now… bye bye, crash is real and crash is hard, and price is falling like a rock! :rofl:

I think my friend went 100% in on Davor. He was up a lot then it crashed. Now he’s going to sell as soon as it gets back to its old high. He could have sold yesterday at break even.

Bitcoin is falling like a stone, but KODK is actually positive now.


Riot Blockchain is a falling knife. The puts are too expensive though. It needs to fall a lot just to break even on them.

Let’s hope the crash is final and complete. Put this blockchain crap behind us. A bulshit technology in search of a need…


Phoenix could always rise from the ashes though… so never count anything out… :wink:

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That means he still has $15 billion left which is going to get wiped out too in the next couple weeks… :wink:

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How to sell 44B coins in a month?

If it’s not liquid, then it really is just paper gains.

Life goes on. Where is the economic impact that everybody is talking about if cryptocurrency crashes?

Worse than paper, is fake. Would use paper only for revenue generating/ income producing businesses.
Most crypto would not be around after 2-3 years. Meanwhile, anyone daring can still trade them before most becomes worthless.

Chris Larsen will have the record from going from one of the richest to the poorest in the quickest time. Hope he bought enough hookers and blow to make the ride worth it…lol

My friend certainly won’t be paying off his condo this year. I guess he’ll be staying at his job.