Case Study: Sunset/Parkside Homes On The Market

Yes, especially when the big one hits you will have a few less stories to fall from or bury you under… :rofl:

Contingent!!! Maybe this big one will hit the 2M mark!!!

How about 1.12M, 222k over asking, to live on a freeway!!!

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Ok, I get it that it may not be feasible to sell your home vacant since you have no other place to go but come on!!! With the proper staging, I really believe this one could get close to the holy grail (2M) but not looking like this!!!

But nooooo, this one goes SOLD first at 1.775M, a nice lucky 280K over asking!!! And the other? Relisted!!!

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Huuuuge home goes for 1.85M!!! Inching towards the 2M mark!!!

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Ok, @wuqijun, is this really Inner Parkside or actually Golden Gate Heights??? Me confused…

I don’t know… boundary is kind of vague. This house is only a block and a half away from my home. My home is definitely inner parkside and not ggh. I think houses on 16th -Ave have the liberty of calling themselves whatever they want… it’s an added premium for that street… :laughing:

Ok, this is “just” Inner Parkside then, not actually GGH… (I know Golden Gate Heights, and you Sir are not Golden Gate Heights…:slight_smile:)

I think the boundary is actually right on the street itself. One side is ggh and the other is not. This house falls on the side that is not. :wink:

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Man, last week we were driving somewhere and ended up semi lost in GGH and wow, very nice hood. All the houses were decked out in holiday lights. I can see why people like…

Nice area but too secluded. Also felt like a maze. I don’t really like it that much. Problem is that it is too hilly and hard for old people like my parents to handle.

Agreed, since that has been my stance all along about being close to markets and such. But, the area smelled of semi old money…

Yes they are the old money wannabes. PAC height is the real old money and Noe valley is the new money… :laughing:

Boom, hits the 2M mark as hoped, a mere 15K off!!! 365K over asking!!! Don’t need to waste money on staging. Just go with the lived in look!!!:grinning:

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They staged it…

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Ok, wasn’t in the original listing when I chimed in. So, staging value remains!!!

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Ok a house pre-approved for expansion sells for 1.4M…


They made those pictures look so real… :wink:

Actually, the sunsets lately have been quite spectacular and orange as in that pic…