Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

I read somewhere even people returning from Italy faced no questions. What a bunch of clowns :clown_face:

Feel free to @ me when it becomes Italy 2.0.

Macau locked down at very early stage, and they did shutdown the casino, and after reopens, i saw some guy posted itā€™s pretty empty, 3-4 little cats here and there


What happens to all those call girls and pimps in Macao?

Wait! You mean global warming will be a GOOD thing? Hurrah!

whosā€™ gonna get girl now, too dangerous


Sam Diego still has ZERO cases! Respect.

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What are you smoking? I thought the Johns Hopkins map says there are 3 confirmed in the San Diego area.

One of them worked in chula vista but lives in orange county. Two have recovered already.

SoCal also has way more people than NorCal. So this temperature thing may be real.


Straightforward for Singapore to do and is not because it is a small nation. Is because it is already in place :slight_smile: for ORNS, make-up system. Just tag on to the make-up system, logically view quarantine and in hospital as serving NS.

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Um. That reads like a playbook to justify monitoring everyone at all times and implementing lockdowns for little reason. The flu kills tens of thousands of Americans a year. Are we going to start taking all of those precautions with it? How many deaths is enough that to justify the surveillance and lockdowns?

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Q&A With Hong Kongā€™s Yuen Kwok-Yung, Who Helped Confirm Coronavirusā€™s Human Spread

Thanks to the strict prevention and control from the early stages, there are just over 100 confirmed cases in Hong Kong, even less than Singapore.

Singaporeā€™s epidemic prevention measures are far less stringent than Hong Kongā€™s, because itā€™s hotter in Singapore, and the transmissibility of the virus is much lower when it gets to areas where the temperature is over 30 degrees Celsius.

We finally have the answer why Singapore has more cases than Hong Kong. Its government failed to take the necessary measures but the hot weather saved its ass, otherwise it will become just as bad as Korea or Italy. :thinking:

Give and take is not easy for people who value personal liberty highly. In Singapore, our cars are monitored closely by the government because each car has an IU (in-vehicle unit). Currently, implementing a Satellite distant-based ERP system,

Under the new Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-based ERP system, motorists will be charged by the distance they travel along congested roads, as opposed to a flat-fee that is currently in place.

For contact-tracing to be effective, privacy has to be forgone. You canā€™t have the cake and eat it too. Sorry, @marcus335

So you are for tighter control? Quickly tell your comrade protestors, control is cool. IMHO, the reason is HK has the news earlier and hence able to take action earlier,

We scientific researchers have our own circles where we exchange information. On Dec. 31, 2019, I heard from some mainland researchers that a new virus had emerged, and it was suspected to be a SARS-like virus. It sounded like trouble.

two initial [symptoms most commonly fever and dry cough]


Your population is your surveillance system. Everybody has got a smartphone, everybody can get a thermometer. That is your surveillance system. Donā€™t rely on this hitting your health system, because then itā€™s going to infect it. Youā€™ve got this great surveillance system out there ā€” make sure the surveillance system is primed.

iPhone to the rescue. Not sure why @marcus335 is so against this. Using iPhone apps to track cops is common. In HK, they use it to track black cops. In Singapore, we use it to track traffic aunties.

China took a whole bunch of steps when they realized they had to repurpose big chunks of their hospital systems to [respond to the outbreak]. The first thing is, they said testing is free, treatment is free. Right now, there are huge barriers [to testing and treatment] in the West. You can get tested, but then you might be negative and have to foot the bill.

Canā€™t understand why USA is so against testing and insist on charging patients.

And at the peak of the outbreak, 0.47 percent of those tests were positive. People keep saying [the cases are the] tip of the iceberg. But we couldnā€™t find that. We found thereā€™s a lot of people who are cases, a lot of close contacts ā€” but not a lot of asymptomatic circulation of this virus in the bigger population

Surprise to me. Media is fear mongering?

The point of the article is the Chinese self quarantined and accepted monitoring. If not the virus will spread very quickly. If Americans demand personal rights over the greater good the virus could get out of control. The good news is Americans smoke less and are less vulnerable. Plus children are relatively immune. Maybe because they get lots of colds. I just recovered from a nasty cold, hope it provides some immunity.

BTW the government has the right to force quarantines. They should be using the same laws to quarantine all the drug using homeless on the streets. An even worse epidemic than covid19

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Uncle Gates to the rescue!

Coronavirus at-home testing kits to be provided by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for Seattle area residents

We should first outlaw cruise ships.

I have quarantined myself against cruise ships my whole life. Never understood their appeal, even for newlyweds and the nearly dead. 5000 people waiting in line for buffets and 3 hour tours of tourist traps. The ones in Puerto Vallarta dock :face_vomiting: in front of Walmart.


Appeal of cruise is permanently damaged. Those who think is a bargain to buy shares of cruise ships would be disappointed.