Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

I think Korea/Taiwan forgot which one is enforcing every person able to buy 2 facemask per week , they can buy at certain location

Chun believes if the United States had access to Seegene’s system, the country could test 1 million patients a week. But for now, the US doesn’t have the test – it doesn’t have approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Face plant

Get it now while you can or plan to wait until August.

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No kidding. And the FDA apparently has the power to waive the rules. CDC may have made mistakes, but someone is being an a-hole in the FDA.

Yeah, FDA should approve all these EU baby formula as well


hope this makes someone smile.

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One of my friends flew from SFO to Seattle today. There was one other passenger on the plane. Airlines must be hemorrhaging money.


SFUSD schools closing to students for 3 wks beginning March 16 through regularly scheduled spring break. Schools open to all students and staff tmrw March 13.

Move to the exurbs. Social distance is one of the amenities.


They have to fly the planes they are scheduled to fly. If they cancel more than a certain amount of their scheduled flights, they can lose their gate rights at some airports, SFO being one of them. Because of this they fly almost empty planes on some routes. It is better to fly an almost empty plane on a short route, like SFO to seattle, than a long route.

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Since this thing doesn’t kill children the risk is them spreading it to adults.
Maybe it would be wiser to keep them all in one place :slight_smile:

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Another reason to keep schools open is that if you close them, parents would need to stay home to look after them (in most cases). What would happen to healthcare workers with young kids then? they are going to stay home and remove capacity right when you need it


Good point; I hadn’t thought of that.

Kids can catch the virus, and then spread it to adults. Kids most likely won’t die from it. Small kids get germs all the time.

They’re also worried about the grandparents having to care for the kids so parents can go for work. Now the kids are around the population you most need to protect

Pornhub is a great company. They going to save italy

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Are they going to save America as well?

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Should at least for bay area. Wa and ny

That’s pathetic. You mean Italians can’t find something else more useful to do than masturbate while home???

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