Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

True for young and healthy people. However, how about people with underlying issues? Common chronic issues like high blood pressure increases fatality rate of COVID-19 drastically (something like 14% as far as I remember). No reason to panic but all the more reason to be cautious.
Note that the majority of people in the congregation that I referred for COVID-19 testing result earlier was young people in their 20s.

Exactly. This is the best article Iā€™ve seen on this topic: COVID-19's mortality rate isn't as high as we think.

US should break through 5k in 3 days.

@harriet you are right. We are Italy 2.0.


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US will be 10k soon. 100k in a month. Hopefully the curve flattens by then.

Let see my track record on the Corona so far:

You are welcome.

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Geez. Do you have to rub it in?


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Donā€™t be this jerk.

Passenger Who Boarded Flight After Testing Positive for Coronavirus Gets Lifetime Ban from JetBlue

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Do airlines share information just like insurance companies?
I hope so.

Still plenty of vegan food around. Perfect time to try beyond meat.


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When the zombie apocalypse happens the vegans will be eaten first. They are a healthier option. :sunglasses:

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That makes it similar to cold and flu season. Everyone knows you donā€™t go around older people or immune compromised people if you are sick. Everyoneā€™s had that with a family member doing chemo. If someone in your home gets sick, then you canā€™t visit the immune compromised family member.

I heard this thing injected HIV dna but some report say itā€™s false.
But it sure does looks like it, HIV carrier vs AIDS
this thing is like sars + hiv - easy to transmit, lung fibrosis, some donā€™t carry symptoms like hiv carrier, when itā€™s active itā€™s deadly

Interesting approach the Brits are considering.

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We will all be safe soon. Coronavirus is about to Epstein itself.

Title tells me the author is full of bull because he is assuming he knows what I am thinking? What the population is thinking.

This is where the Diamond Princess data provides important insight. Of the 3,711 people on board, at least 705 have tested positive for the virus

705/3711 = 19% infected. Assuming sample is representative* of the population, eventually 0.19*331 = 62.9 million Americans would be infected.

About 7 deaths, so eventually 7/3711 * 331 = 624k Americans will die of Covid-19.

*We canā€™t tell whether it is or not, worse or better. From peopleā€™s perspective, cruise has many old people. From environmentā€™s perspective, is so different from on the land, may be in the sea/ ocean environment, Covid-19 transmissive rate and lethality are greatly reduced.

This all suggests that COVID-19 is a relatively benign disease for most young people, and a potentially devastating one for the old and chronically ill, albeit not nearly as risky as reported.


The good news is that we have huge advantages to leverage: We already know all of this and have learned it remarkably quickly. We know how this virus spreads. We know how long people are contagious. We know who the most vulnerable patients are likely to be, and where they are.

The bad news isā€¦ read @manch comments.

Canā€™t believe people are still debating how lethal and how infectious Covid is. Itā€™s not replacing flu. Flu is still with us. Covid is on top of whatever diseases we already have.

The best way to think of Covid is as a denial of service attack on the health care system. If you have a spike of 100k new patients needing urgent medical care in a short span of time, your entire medical system collapses. Itā€™s that simple. Right now we are on a ā€œdouble every 3 daysā€ pace. Wrap your mind around that. Itā€™s Mooreā€™s law, but measured in days, not years.


Right now, itā€™s from people who got it 14 days ago. Thatā€™s before all the measures to slow the spread. Everything shutdown this week, so in 2 weeks there should be a dramatic slowdown in cases.

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Just do whatever South Korea is doing. No need to reinvent the wheel.

There have been many alarmist articles talking about 1% or even 5% CFR. As your pessimistic* math shows, this is just wrong. The reality is that it will be much lower. The key bit is recognizing that 50% of those infected are asymptomatic, and that in the early days of a pandemic all testing is skewed towards those sick enough to warrant a test. The folks who have mild symptoms go undetected. As the article says:

ā€œā€”we need to divert our focus away from worrying about preventing systemic spread among healthy peopleā€”which is likely either inevitable, or out of our controlā€”and commit most if not all of our resources toward protecting those truly at risk of developing critical illness and even death: everyone over 70, and people who are already at higher risk from this kind of virus.ā€

Instead of shutting down schools/offices/restaurants we should be requiring tests and isolation for anyone working with the sick or elderly.

*surely a cruise ship population is biased towards an above mean age

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