Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

confirmed cases is irrelevant. That is a function of how much testing is happening, which varies drastically across countries/time.

One clear thing is South Korea has a low CFR because they are doing lots of testing, which means they catch those with mild symptoms that have a low probability of death. This is still at least 2x higher than reality, because 50% of cases are asymptomatic and go undetected.

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48 posts were merged into an existing topic: How Trump has handled the pandemic

None of us on this humble forum has any power to shape policy. We are just observers from afar but with a lot of stake in how this crisis shakes out. Looking back at the SARS episode, many Asian countries’ public health system were overhauled because of that experience. I expect the same will happen to the US as well. A few regimes may even get toppled because of this.

In light of primaries getting delayed due to the Great Infection:

Italy is gone. BTW Italy’s nickname is Europe’s China.


I heard in that case Pelosi will be the interim President?


Didn’t know Dasani was trash.

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I would take Pelosi over Biden any day. Hope Biden doesn’t pick Kamala for VP.

Every state should just go vote by mail

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This is beyond ironic. Some Chinese Americans are returning to China now for better treatment.

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Timely reminder.

Our private sector is stepping up big time.

Very irresponsible behavior…
She most likely infected many people on the plane and airport.

People like her will cause the outbreak again in China.

I agree that this case highlights the issue with testing in US but her behavior cannot be justified no matter what.


Yes she’s been very selfish. But it’s really ironic Americans are going back to China for treatment. It highlights how badly we have been handling the situation.

It seems HIPPA laws and patient consent issues stopped a lot of testing which could have determined how it was spreading. Federal and state agencies blocked the testing. We should feel safe with so many laws and agencies protecting us.

“CONCLUSIONS: In the close contacts of COVID-19 patients, nearly half or even more of the ‘asymptomatic infected individuals’ reported in the active nucleic acid test screening might be false ”

My friend’s coworker is going Hawaii for trip whole family bacuse of school closure and wfh. I bet many are like this.will be no end