Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

Not sure if to laugh or cry…

Ironically not from China.

Are you sure? I recall @harriet said she had reliable sources that indicate CCP shot those with critical conditions to reduce the number of deaths due to Covid-19 - this forum is hard to search so can’t find where she said it. Apparently @dioworld got the similar info.

wechat sensored it already…

Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan getting hit hard again.

Even Texas is scared now.


Dawn on politicians that the spread is exponential.

@BA_lurker Well, we all know politicians don’t tell the truth.

foreign localers fleeing back…3.5k economy tix to hk

You ever thought about going back?

yea, was planning to send my wife & daughter back
have pets to take care here still, was thinking locking myself up for a month or two alone

when i check price about 2 weks ago, it was at around 17xx

Almost 14k :scream:
How long before the acceleration will slow down?

2-4 weeks i think, until shelter in place take effect , ppl still going out and work you know, not complete lockdown

gov stragegy is to slow this thing down. and then let ppl infect slowly and get herd immunity/vaccination, just buying time

Sars peak is around late april early may i think might be similar

Why leave? Just stay home…

Two week lockdown should most probably stretch to four if not longer. Bay Area cases should peak in two to three weeks?

HK cases are accelerating again. I think Bay Area is safer. There is more space. In HK you may get it just by going to the bathroom.

cuz ppl here don’t wear masks out

Don’t go out.
I know it’s easy to say but seriously there is no reason to go. It helps everyone if people stop going out. I can’t control what others do but I can control myself.

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ppl got relax and foreign student back. once start, ppl will go into alert mode again

They got it from their mahjong kaki.

So nimby that insist on sprawling SFHs are right. No to high density housing.