Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

At the Hayward a st Home Depot today and no one was wearing masks except some Asians. Like 98% no mask

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Uh oh. No bottom then.


Wait for @pandeyathotmail to start wearing mask.

@Jil Do you wear mask when going out? Do you still go out?

I saw three souls wearing masks in Costco today. All women, 2 30-40 yr old Asians, 1 elderly Caucasian.

West coast numbers should have all come in today. National total is just a hair below 20k. NY really acted too slowly. It could be Italy 2.0 all by itself. CA is not doing too badly given the size of its population and its heavy exposure to China.

Warmer weather didn’t save LA and SD. Bay Area seems to be slowing down a bit? Too soon to tell for sure.

Existence of virus is made known to the world on Jan 9.

Time frozen for you?

Azar declared a public health emergency for the novel coronavirus on Jan. 31, and announced the travel restrictions to and from China, effective Feb. 2.

So far, two times I went to Costco during weekends, not wearing mask. Next two weeks, we do not plan to go outside. If we go, we will decide at that time, we have two masks at each car handy.

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Iran 2.0

F that, come on. how to F virus got into prison. damn guard wear your fucking mask

Just read on Apple daily the white guys in Hong Kong don’t wear masks either. :rofl:

need to start beating their ass up

You are going to cough blood.


Want to start WWIII?

in hk, hk cops can make them disappeared, if they die, probably suicide, no need ww3

look, everyone wear mask, everyone, everywhere, you wear i wear, each person 3 layers, that’s 6 layers between 2 ppl

Someone (on FB) is claiming that there are now two versions of this coronovirus. Can someone point me to an article corroborating this?

L & S type . That’s old news like 2&3 weeks ago. Maybe try google corona virus L and S type

@hanera SGers need to vote Lee’s party out. Disgrace!

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Someone forwarded me screenshot of a tweet apparently originating from China. The message in nutshell says that Chinese authorities want workers to return to work. They fear Chinese economy to collapse otherwise. They are afraid that if the economy goes down, it may take the Communist Party along. I have no way of verifying the authenticity of the tweet or the screenshot. Same thing will likely happen in the USA, prolonged lock-down will crash the US economy.


Is one more virulent than the other?

Did this get posted already?

Yeah sorry it’s in Italian, but apparently where the numbers from here came from: