Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19

@manch Watch out for the salad/soup bar at the grocery stores

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This looks like a Whole Foods? Their salad bar always strikes me as iffy on hygiene. Nobody is watching over. I love sweet tomatoes though. I guess it’ll be a long time before I go there again.



Testing capacity continues to surge.

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Healthcare startups Nurx and Carbon Health ship at-home COVID-19 test sample kits

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You are a man (or woman, I do not know) of a big heart.

Confirmed (not the 86 figure ofc) what most suspected.

Li Ruiyun, lead author of the study and a research associate at Imperial College London’s infectious disease epidemiology department, said control measures such as travel restrictions, rapid tests and detection, and increased personal protective behavior were necessary to identify and isolate undocumented cases, and to reduce the overall spread of the virus.

Confirmed current thinking.

The experts also warned in the study that the new virus had the potential to become the fifth endemic coronavirus, adding to four existing strains – 229E, HKU1, NL63, OC43 – currently circulating among humans.

I suspect politicians and doctors are thinking that it will be endemic. They can’t say so yet because the healthcare infrastructure is designed to deal with common flu and don’t have the capacity to take in the extra load + need a vaccine + a therapy. Flattening the curve effort would give them time to assess whether healthcare infrastructure should be expanded and changed if necessary.

“Travel restrictions, from what we know, may not delay an outbreak, but they definitely don’t prevent outbreaks,” she said.

It seem so.

Hwy 10 was still busy yesterday. Plenty of trucks. People in the outlying areas like Payson are mindful but not crazy. I stopped in Phoenix to hit a Trader Joe’s and folks are a bit nutso there. But it was good for me. People are so crazy spending all their money on essentials that the handful or specialty items I buy were marked down! And they had plenty of goldenberries :slight_smile:
Things were fairly normal back in Payson except for an ammo run at the gun store. I think folks are more afraid of crazed Democrats from the valley than the virus.


Testing only has limited value. We all have to assume we are positive and stay home. Here is the latest thinking.

ealth officials in New York City and Los Angeles County are signaling a change in local strategy when it comes to coronavirus testing, recommending that doctors avoid testing patients except in cases where a test result would significantly change the course of treatment.

A news release from the Los Angeles Department of Public Health this week advised doctors not to test those experiencing only mild respiratory symptoms unless “a diagnostic result will change clinical management or inform public health response.”


I disagree with that. If every person could be tested every day for no cost, then you’d test everyone every morning and positives would stay home and self-isolate. The rest of the world would be business as normal which would prevent a depression/recession. This might last a month as cases fizzled out.

When testing is limited and expensive, you might as well put the money into buying ventillators, treatment, and research.

The question is the middle realm–if testing were cheap but not free, and not available for everyone, could you curb the spread by testing? Since the disease is asymptomatic, that might be difficult. On the other hand, if you are trying to see how the disease is faring in the community, doing a random sample testing of 1000 people could actually be useful. If 100 come back positive, it’s a very different situation from if 1 comes back positive.

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It’s Sofies choice. The testing has to be done every day to mean anything. Not feasible for the healthy. 330m million tests a day. Not enough tests or testers available. If you are healthy and assume you are positive and self isolate that is the best we can do.
Spend resources on cures and treating symptoms. Not on tests to make people feel good.


Swine flu
Stock market doesn’t care at all.
No panic.
Guess is not many require hospitalization, a flat curve, hence healthcare infrastructure not strained; and Fatality rate is low at 0.02%

Guess people is not worry because if infected, probability of dying is low even though it is easy to get infected. At macro level, result in large number of deaths is not that worrisome at personal level.

Went out for local Walmart around 10.30 am without mask, parking was almost full, still store had low strength, there were 25 people inside at that time, one was wearing mask, people were serious and quickly moving out store after buying items.

Won’t take long for USA to catch up with Italy in number of cases. Hopefully, number of deaths won’t be high.

If Italy has been self isolating for a while now why still the increase in cases?

Somewhere buried in this thread, there is a chart showing it would take about 1-2 weeks for it to slow down.

@pandeyathotmail Still think is just a flu?

i would say more like 3-4 weeks , first 1-2 weeks many don’t listen
just look on the street, we still got hella ppl walking on the street

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Heard from all the Swiss relatives. Switzerland is getting hit hard - which surprised me - but no one was worried about their health. All economic concerns. A cousin with a watch sales and repair business is wondering how he can keep paying his 9 employees with everything shut down.
Also heard from a pen pal just outside of Newcastle, England. No one is freaking out about the virus there either. They’re all unemployed but that’s been going on for 40 years.

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Their medical system collapsed.