In terms of cases per mil people, Switzerland is 2nd to Italy. USA is fairly low. Other than Americans in cosmopolitan cities such as NYC, many Americans don’t travel right? Is a blessing now The places that have the most cases are where Americans travel a lot.
HMart and 99 Ranch in Austin MSA have implemented senior hrs. First hr from open is for people 60+ years old so that they don’t have to mix with the younger folks who might be asymptomatic.
It takes 21 days after lockdown to flatten the curve. I don’t think the author got the American lockdown date correct. It’s only yesterday 3/20 when NY issued shelter in place. So maybe around 4/10 or a bit earlier US curve will noticeably bend.
I read Spain’s lockdown is really strict now. Can’t even take a walk outside. Chinese style: must stay home.
If your only data point is China then I say it takes at least one month. The 21 days from China also coincided with their urge to restart after the Chinese New Year holidays. Not saying they don’t see improvement at all but that’s not a very strong benchmark. There are also cultural differences in the nature of the lockdown as well.
My comments so far have been along these two lines:
How lethal is this virus? New data coming out does not suggest this is more lethal than initially understood.
What level of panic and stress should our response have? I have said several times. Media and government agencies should not make this appear more dreadful than it actually is. I am not suggesting we should be carefree, but we should not be reckless.
Agree completely. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - the deaths from the economic fallout of the response will FAR exceed the deaths for the virus itself.
I am afraid the day will not be too far when the internet is also shut down for whatever reason. The internet is the only reason why people can still talk to others and have not started suffering from emotional depression that comes from isolation and lack of contact with outside world.
After the crisis is over, 3M N95 Respirators would be a must-have in every household.
What fruits, veggies, drinks and medicine (Vitamin C?) boost immune systems?
Need to eat them regularly
According to a new article in The Lancet , Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore all developed their own tests for Covid-19 as soon as the genetic sequences for the virus were published, and ramped up production of the materials necessary for those tests. (That’s a sharp contrast with the US, which still doesn’t have enough tests for nationwide use, and may actually be running out of the materials necessary to make them.) Each country instituted controls over immigration (a controversial move that the WHO recommended against, but that they did anyway). They rejiggered their national financial systems to make sure people didn’t have to pay for tests or treatment. (Easier in places where most health care is already nationalized, to be sure—and in some more progressive American states like California, Washington, and New York.
On January 20, when China had reported only a few cases of the disease, Taiwan spun up a Central Epidemic Command Center—created after SARS—to coordinate the national effort. Among other things, the CECC put limits on the prices of personal protective equipment like masks, and deployed military personnel to manufacture more. In the US, mask shortages led the Food and Drug Administration to relax the rules on what kinds of masks health care workers can use; on January 20, Taiwan’s equivalent of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that it had “44 million surgical masks, 1.9 million N95 masks, and 1,100 negative pressure isolation rooms” ready to go, according to an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association .
You might want to show your data. I see higher fatality rate than the 3.4% that WHO said. I have posted a few times in this thread. If you miss it, I can work out the latest number. Btw, because fatality rate varies depending on individual nations (stat samples)’ preparedness, effort and culture, I have used global (stats population) data.
Can’t answer this question. I am not that wise. I will take well read @manch advice of “panic early save your life” is good. You can measure those level? Enlighten me.
And do not underestimate power of water. Keep hydrated. Water is a very powerful liquid and aids your body’s immune system. Drink it a lot. When I was a child, in a warm country, we used to hear suggestion of mixing salt and sugar one teaspoon each to keep a lot of electrolytes in body.
Where? As far as I can tell the only reliable data we have is Diamond Princess and South Korea because of their extensive testing. Anyone with higher than 6-8/1000 deaths isn’t testing enough IMO.
The longer I see this unrolls, the more I don’t buy the “China didn’t tell us” type of excuses. I see there’s a ton of hubris in the West, not just the US but Europe as well. The West knew all that there’s to know no later than Jan 10th and nobody took any meaningful actions. As late as last week mask wearers were harassed and ridiculed.
The key difference between Asia and the West is that Asia went thru the SARS epidemic in 2003. The scar tissues are still raw. Like I said I still remember the name of the female doctor in Hong Kong who died on her job. Once bitten twice shy. The West is living through the same experience now only 10 times as bad. The memory will last a lifetime. It will have far ranging consequences.