Costco is cheaper than Amazon

Why? I’d prefer SQ. They are successfully transitioning from small businesses to large businesses. That’s going to be an avalanche of revenue. It doesn’t matter which brand or retailer wins. They are going to end up being the service provider to all of them.

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Has Amazon killed Flipkart yet? :slight_smile:

Social networks are done in India. Facebook and WhatsApp won the war. E-commerce seems to be the only thing left in India? What else?

I shopped at Costco, Sunnyvale every week, always very busy :slight_smile:
Want to buy at least one lot of businesses that I do business with :slight_smile:
Bought auto insurance from GEICO, so own BRK/B.
Bought phone service from AT&T, so own T.
Bought iPhones, so own AAPL.
Similarly, own PCG, PG and JNJ.

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If not already I’m sure they will. Its my wish coz Indian ecoasytem for tech innovation is very nascent, they can’t compete purely on merit. But if you isolate it thru gov poicies and state funding I’m sure they will get better over time.

My question is where is an Indian Jack ma or Baidu/tencent etc. It’s not a level playing field.

India is such a huge market, can’t give away easily to US companies

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They are in USA. 14 Indian entrepreneurs who have started billion dollar startups in US

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Yes totally. All the IITs should be locked in India. Talent goen waste.

Modi should be thinking in the lines. Establish equivalent of NSF that we have in US.

Many Chinese talents can’t travel out of China that easily. India is a democracy so can’t implement such policy which would be labeled as bad China by sfdragonboy.


I’m sure we can do that within mask of democracy. Modi has turned a country’s population stand in lines infornt of banks when he discontinued old currency notes overnight. Its the biggest violation a gov can do in a strict sense, he got away with it with his charm. He can do this, he has majority vote not seen in 20-30 years, time to step up!

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Hey, just tell China to flex its muscles a little with Mr Fat Boy and his firecrackers. You want to be a big player on the world stage? Here is your chance…

(And yes, my ancestors are from China…)

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Costco is selling a $90 tub of mac-and-cheese that weighs 27 pounds and lasts 20 years

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Mac and cheese is gross.

You know some skinny jeans restaurant is serving that mac and cheese for $15 per plate…

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It’s sold out folks. All the fed employees with no pay are eating mac n cheese everyday.

Looks like people with pay aren’t eating any better; building burger wall as we speak:


That’s fine dining for the Donald. I’d rather eat Wendy’s than well done steak with ketchup. :face_vomiting:

Hey, The Donald knows fine dining…


That was because of the shutdown. Most of the staff is furloughed. He paid for the food himself. The players were excited about it.

Right… what’s not to be excited about… next time we hear “nothing burger” from the administration this picture will come to mind

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Time to buy the fast food stock. What’s tick symbol for Burger King?