DNC: future of the Democratic Party

That’s mathematically true. Why no one mentions this demographic truth?

The older population will increase faster than young population, that could mean bad news for socialism and democrats. It’s curious that democrats is moving to socialism to please a small, changing and unreliable demographic. This is also good news for Prop 13.

Did you volunteer to help them?

nah, i was too embarassed to listen back then. i think that class was about studying some cultural thing, like those african tribe, majority of them are girls in the class

The only old liberals are insane like Nancy and Bernie…Most seniors are very conservative and anti taxes

People now live much longer. You stay young for 22 years and stay middle aged or old for 50 years. 50 vs 22, Democrats are in serious trouble. Middle aged and older people are very reliable conservatives or moderates.

Age is a much more important trend than race. Majority of the voters are over 40, 50/22, at least 35/22 since most people live to 75 now and 90 in the future.

In California, 45+ vs 45 under is 13 vs 12 today. It’s going to favor 45+ more and more. US is older than California slightly.

Most people only stay foolish for less than 17 years. Once they reach 35, they would turn moderate or conservative

People usually retain their political leaning as they grow older. They don’t just flip R when they cross 45 or something. Stop dreaming.

Trump is doing GOP permanent damage. It’s turning off entire generations. The jimmy carter of R.

In Califormia, we don’t need them to flip. As long as they become less foolish and turn moderate, socialism will be defeated and Prop 10 will be defeated. Party affiliation is not that important.

However in swing states, I can see the flipping happening. Democratic voters will become moderate. But if the party leadership turns to socialism, a certain percentage of flipping could occur in swing states.

I think trump will move GOP towards the center. Bernie is moving the party to even more left. This is beneficial to GOP over the time. Trump was a centrist Democrat and his mind is to the left of mainstream GOP. Bernie is to the left of mainstream Democrat.

Trump is more like a grassroot democrat than republican.

We are moving towards Europe style politics. The moderate is the left of center party. They are not socialists like the USSR, but there will be universal healthcare and maybe even free college tuition.

The right ring is turning into full blown Nazi. :skull:

I think Trump likes the idea of universal healthcare. Koch brothers dislike that thus Trump never mentions it.

I think universal healthcare will become a reality.

The right wing has been defeated by Trump. The left wing has been aroused by Bernie. Democrats are turning into dangerous force. There are more moderate republicans. Not enough moderates in Democratic Party, midwestern democrats are ignored and forgotten.

GOP has better mechanism of self correction. They have more diversified opinions and there are forces to compromise the extremists. Democratic Party is overly unified and lacking in self correcting capability. Too many democratic leaders became aggressive pit bulls, not good for long term strategic shift. I think Democratic Party would be over if it turns into SF democrats.

Maybe one reason for democrat’s lack of self correcting capability is the media who always pull towards the left and media is overly unified and lacking diversity

I knew these Nazi word will come out. expected it.
this is exactly why there’s the walkaway
and what did the right do that’s nazi?

here’s something to feed your trump haterade, he say BS sometimes, does this thing he say make sense no, but if you watch the whole thing, the message is about voter ID, and does it make sense or not, i do think so, i go buy marlboro and they ask me for id

as the white victim according to manch, i think it’s reverse, democrat are using black/lgbt/different subgroup to make them as victim. And this i told my friends many years ago, it’s not recent, i also told them democrats are going communism route many years ago. If you watch the democrat, they copy a lot from china.