Dow Down 666 Points

Real Estate is strong nationwide. The buying season has started. Shortage of housing, surplus if buyers
0ne near my apartment building sold in three days multiple offers. 700sf 2/2 over $300k

News don’t make the markets, markets make the news.

I know my local market. Only 3 multi family properties for sale. Very low Sfh inventory. Stocks cooling. Investors and vacation buyers looking to buy. No snow at lake level. Buyers come up, skiing is crappy . They are bored and shop for houses. Jackpot.
Could see the craziness of 2004-2005 . Multiple offers and skyrocketing prices… buying season has started 3 months early… asking $1.2m for my apartment building. Was asking $1m last week. Off market

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Why sell now? Wait for 2 more years and you can sell for more

I have an exchange in mind. But will only sell at a premium.

Your avatar… :face_vomiting:

come on… again?

This one is cute, let’s keep this one :tomato:

I don’t hang at bars. But do go to the East Peak Lodge on Heavenly mountain during the ski season. $14 drinks
only accessible by skis.

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What did you say again @manch? I’m so glad I didn’t listen to your “advice”… :rofl:

did manch short twitter?

Nah. Didn’t short anything. How much did you buy twtr for though? Now is the time to sell. :smile:

Hopefully not… or we may start to see a bill in the mail from him…

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me! :rofl:

How can you say I fool you when my advice today is better than yesterday’s? :smile:

Yes you didn’t fool me even once, because I didn’t listen at all… :rofl:

IMO, TWTR exuberance will not long last with current market condition. One time making profit may provide temporary jump, but TWTR is not so strong a company to invest.

Today is the best time to Sell sell sell TWTR.


Sorry @Jil, I’m a buy and hold investor as opposed to a speculator like you when it comes to stocks… :wink:

Dow down 433
Trying to figure when to buy in. Correction soon?

Wait for 45 days or until end of March 2018. Let the volatile market settle down.

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