Dow Down 666 Points

Greenspan has the dubious reputation of blowing not one but two bubbles. First the dot com and then the mother of all bubble in RE.

Are most rich people Republicans? Not sure about that. How do you define rich anyway? 10m? 20m? 1B? Many rich people in SV but they seem to be center left. I used to describe myself as libertarian but the right has gone cuckoo crazy to the Nazis so now I think I am in the D camp. I haven’t shifted much but the ground moved under me.

Look at the crazy a-holes on Fox News. I often amaze how people can call themselves a Republican with a straight face. They are busy trying to pull down Mueller, who is a Republican.

Republicans are now in a Mexican firing squad. Standing in a circle shooting at each other.

I am a conservative Democrat. Bill Clinton Democrat.
I think Trump has always been a pompous ass. But I love how liberals go apeshit about him. It is a slight of hand. They spend all their time hating him. Meanwhile there is a chance of even immigration reform . Trump has totally confused and whipped them. In fact they have no plan on how to beat them. And leaders as hated as Trump.

Right. The best thing about Trump is that he fools the Republicans hard. He once said Republicans are dumb and easy to fool and that he would run as a R just because of that. He’s proving that everyday.

Ok you finally said something positive about trump.

Aren’t you in some strip club in Vegas now?

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Yes at the poker table

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Your personal view or read from somewhere?

The father of value investing, Benjamin Graham, explained this concept by saying that in the short run, the market is like a voting machine–tallying up which firms are popular and unpopular. But in the long run, the market is like a weighing machine–assessing the substance of a company.

Short run - psychology
Long run - fundamentals

If you’re satisfied that you’ve purchased a company of solid fundamentals, when Mr Market offers you a value below intrinsic, you should buy more.


I don’t like stocks…Just don’t trust other people with my money…But for most people they are better choice than RE, less work and more liquid

Many sold because of margin calls and/or retrenched. Otherwise, most people just shocked to no action, and sold when the market recovered to post-crash high around 2011-2012, some in 2015, and miss the big bull run as pointed out by manch.

My stock portfolio timeline:

2007: 0%
2009: -60%
2012: 50%
2015: 250%
2018: 400%

It does feel like a mega bull cycle.

Select holdings:

AAPL: 1000% gain
Goog: 200% gain
Bidu: 150% gain
Baba: 100% gain
Tsla: 900% gain
Fb: 400% gain

Buy and hold forever, people!!!


Pats lost. Rally intact.

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Didn’t predict last year right. But let’s pray this old wives tale works this year

wow. people looking for arbitrary signals all over.

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80% accuracy rate is no joke.

Besides, Brady is an ass.

lol - yeah no joke. sure.

Why does everyone hate Brady?Just a nice Irish Catholic boy from San Mateo, who is the best quarterback of all time.
I was in the Cheers bar in Boston when he took over from the injured Bledsoe. All the Massholes in the bar hated him. I told them he was the best thing that ever happened to Boston. Fifteen years late they finally figured I was right.
But now almost everyone else hates him. Mainly because he has a hot wife??

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We hate successful people. Because we are the jealous envious types… :rofl:


That makes you officially a Masshole. My Masshole cousins all looked down on us Californians. I took it personally. But then realized it only has do to their inferiority complex vis a vis New Yorkers.

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Your pal Brady dressed like this to the game. Ass.

It was 0 degrees. What should he wear? I know everyone hates him. I just don’t know why??? as far as the glasses and ear buds, I figure he is trying to shut out the world and focus on the game. It was a great game…