Dow Down 666 Points

People are shallow jealous creatures and can’t stand it if someone else has more money / more fame / hotter mate / better looks / etc etc etc. And then people brag in order to “cover this up”.

You hit the nail on the head — and life I think becomes truly interesting when one finally realizes that one does not need always to compare herself/himself to other people. Allowing oneself to be free of that compulsion of jealous comparison I believe is one of the biggest liberators in life…

It comes with age. The older I get the less jealous I become. My wife is 20 years younger and is always jealous of things I don’t even notice. Getting old is liberating.

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Step aside folks. Hating Brady is just American. :us: Don’t dress like a freaking European assassin to the big game.

Come on, his hot model European wife buys his clothes. If she was my wife I would do whatever she asked… lol

OK. Good point there.

I would guess that Brady’s Euro model wife’s personal shoppers/assistants are selecting clothes and submitting them for his wife’s approval for Brady to wear. :slight_smile:

Her assistant is obviously gay. Brady probably has no fashion sense. Which actually makes him a little likable.

Blah, blah, blah.

Nice Trumpovich, another record? Mass murders, mass shootings, mass vulgar comments…etc, etc. etc.

259 point down up to this moment.

Prays and condolences work. Go at them!

It’s 700 points now.

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Where are all the people who say they are waiting for a pullback to buy? Are they busy buying now? :smile:

-1000. Wow.

Dropping fast!
LQMT - Yay
SPXU - Yay

Time to buy more Bitcoin before the stock market tanks completely :rofl:

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Buying your favorite NVDA? 10% drop!

Still think cutting corp taxes and infrastructure stimulus is going to be good for stock market?

I am a momentum guy.

Snapping back! -1100

Look like is buy on rumor (Trump won POTUS) sell on news. Once it becomes reality (law passed), market sells off.