Facebook bombed. Anyone buying?

Still down 19%> yuge.

Buying? Still above three months ago

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Lucky today, if not the EU crap. whole market would be down and FB would be down even more.
i wonder how much revenue FB lost that they cannot share data to china anymore

Russians buying less ads?

nah, i think it’s me… I see these fb ad selling fake garoppolo jersey and fake watches, i reported them. haha

I can’t even buy FB. It’s on the restricted list at work…
Oh well.

Blacklist? Finally one work in FB?

Your wife can buy it for you.

No, I’m not at Facebook. I’m work in financial services.

I don’t have a wife and besides everyone in my household would need to preclear the same way.

maybe buy a russian wife first. I see a lot of mainland china made some great purchase.

If I did not buy it at 17, what’s the point to buy at 175? Better buy the next 17

Not talking about the same topic, right😓

cost more than that…you want one?

Damn, I guess I would have that look if I lost that much money overnight…



Can I also lose that much money too?


Only if you are a politician :sunglasses:

Bought a few calls. Need to buy more.

At what strike price?

@manch, how much money on paper did you lose today? Please respond with a definite number and not something like “too much” :smile:

$40 per share. Does he has 10k shares of FB to lose 400k?