
Too many Jun 30 calls bought to capitalize on this. Screwed by MM. Pinned below $8.50.

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A good risk return analysis of SOFI.

Main risks:

  • Banking business is a loss leader (high interest deposit to attract customers which bank hopes to upsell financial services to them)
  • Regulatory agency might force it to keep a minimum sum which would force it to raise capital thereby diluting shareholder

You’ve to trust Anthony Noto’s ability to navigate regulations and execute its business strategy.

Recently, rumor is going around that GS want out… FUD?

Amit is a HS debater who like to put words in other mouth… when did Apple say want to compete?

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Spending habits + marketing research + cybersecurity are now part of FinTech :wink:

Recently, social media is full of FinTech bulls…

Another influencer thinks market correction is imminent but opine Fintech will be ok.

Finally green :slight_smile: after one year of agonizing averaging down.

21 days ago…

Technically… bullish…

Is in vogue that CEOs hype their stocks… I recalled GOOG did that, TSLA did that, now SOFI…
Help you achieve FIRE… so long you buy :slight_smile: my financial services.

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Best guess of the EW count for SQ, ofc, bullish :slight_smile: count…

Today, those who have FinTech portfolio is laughing to the bank e.g.

Your sincerely…

Deep discussion of SOFI’s moat.

A new study from Cornerstone Advisors, looking at who Americans open checking accounts with, underscores the growth of digital banks and fintechs like Chime, PayPal, and Square—and the decline of megabanks like Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo.

Consensus in social media is to trade FinTech stocks. Started with SOFI, it has broadened to NU, SQ, HOOD, MQ and PYPL. Also, traders bought mostly OTM calls… yes, very risky. Didn’t follow the trend, I have SQ and SOFI all the while… mostly shares and some LEAPS calls.

Do FinTech really can disrupt traditional banking?

SQ, Block Inc.

Most likely, wave iii would complete around $80-$81. Don’t plan to sell any shares or calls atm.

Vaguely recall FedNow is either using Braintree from PYPL or Galileo from SOFI. Need to verify…

Ok. Would sell all my bank and FinTech stocks once X IPO.

Is PYPL a value trap or undervalued?

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Monday Jul 31 earnings before the bell.
SOFI 10,000 delta Close @$12 :pray:

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