In congress, there are about 80+ women on the democratic side, about 13 on the other.
That tells you that there’s a party, supported by dumb, really dumb women, voting against their self interests. Women who were called pigs and dogs and bleeding from somewhere, or they are “beaches” because all we men need to do is just throw ourselves on top of them because we are stars.
And, we have the most pathetic, lying, conniving, cry baby president ever whose ideas, racist ideas, reflect those of some posters on this forum. They can’t conceive the idea that this country is growing in a diverse atmosphere, and that air is drowning their racist, and regressive ideas.
What’s funny is to see a party hating gays, minorities, dark or brown people…well, being supported by those brown or minorities. Specially women, the worse of the bunch.
The idiot in the white house, against his unfulfilled promise of Mexico paying for the wall, is hurting millions of Americans and he is going to declare an “emergency” at the border. Lots of voters for the democratic party being made right there.
That is done while he is cutting Medicare, Social Security benefits to benefit the rich corporations and billionaires with tax cuts, well they said “no thanks, but we will take them”. Thus, increasing our national debt.