Getting Hot

The west coast is having great weather right now. But Texas and Louisiana are getting drenched. The world is a very big place.

If people don’t totally buy into the science, how about just have an insurance policy that maybe, just maybe, that 95% of the scientists who study this stuff know what they are talking about? Does it not make sense to at least prepare just a little bit? I wear seat belt everyday but I never crash my car. Does it not make sense for me to wear one?

I don’t say we should just focus on climate to the exclusion of everything else. But the other extreme of sitting on our hands is just as irresponsible.

Well, that makes perfectly good sense yet you have a developer (Millennium Towers) building a 58 story super luxury high rise and instead of “buying insurance” by simply going to bedrock he decides to gamble a little… LOSER!!! How do you explain that?

The media does what sells and fear sells. There’s nothing factual about their reporting. They report blatantly biased info to control how people think. People emotionally attach to the first thing they are told. Then it’s near impossible to change their mind. For as smart as we claim to be, it’s scary how ignorant society is.

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There is lots of data that shows predictions made 11 years ago were dead wrong…Science only has credibility if the predictions are right…they aren’t. .Global Warming is a religon. .Do you believe or not…I am an agnostic. …weather changes all the time. .It is the ultimate human folly to think we can do much about it. .

Shutup", they explained, “the science is settled”. “Denier” they scream. The constant insulting of the heretics by the true believers. This sounds more like a religion every day. Be careful not to draw any Al Gore cartoons

Read more at:

I am not a Denier. .I drive a Prius. .put solar on my roof.mainly because I am cheap…But when I see silly crap like in Pacifica trying to restrict building because the extra runoff might cause oceans to rise I get really pissed off…When All I hear from liberal politicians is climate change mantra, I know they are incapable of rational thought…

Our coasts are already going under water

The article only has one or two sentences on the west coast. That we have been having it easy but the reckoning will come soon. Parts of the east coast and the Gulf states are already seeing big effect. Very curious to know what the effect will be on the west coast. Maybe not buying that beach house in San Mateo was an ingenious move in hindsight…

Foster City and Redwood Shores: consider yourself warned.

Hasn’t been a factor on the West coast…mainly cliffs and we are used to huge waves…the East coast is full of sandy beaches and low level areas…They are a victim of bad planning…They have hurricanes and have had flooding issues for 100 years…Not our problem…Seawalls could be put in our coastal communities if needed…If you trully believe in sea level rise, buy in Tahoe…

I think the bigger issue is water usage. We are emptying underground reservoirs. That water eventually ends up in the oceans raising their levels. We consume so much water it never filters back into the underground reservoirs.

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Think about how much ocean rise is caused by all the delta waters going into the ocean to save the 3" delta smelt…Enough to make an environmentalist go nuts…save a little fish or ocean level rise…what to do???


What was that complex that Eisenhower warned us about in 1961?

Replace “media” with government. I live it every day.

Fear is a powerful tool. Politicians and their cronies use it every day to “sell” a gullible public. They want control over all and they use fear to gain it.

We see it in our presidential elections. I see it with local pols. They grab onto the latest political cause and use it to empower themselves. Global warming is but one of many.

“Bow to your betters, civilians!” They know what’s best for you and me. You alone can’t possibly have any idea how to conduct business or act without the guidance on an omnipresent regulator.

The sad part is, like it or not we who lurk here, actual producers, are paying the price for this. And many don’t even realize it because it isn’t in their face. Until it is. But then, it’s too late.

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Someone needs to explain to me why the Industrial Revolution started in 1760, but the temperature measurement starts in 1975. That’s over 200 years after the industrial age started. Are they saying we had 200 years of Industrial Revolution with no increase? What changed in 1975?

Damn, maybe I should stay in good, old foggy Sunset…

Well it was hot enough yesterday in AZ for me to get Variable Sand Snake on my lifelist. That’s my 21st AZ lifer snake species.

The environmental movement changed everything. Started with Silent Spring. Love canal. Both were based on lies. Basically urban youth decided they didn’t like cities. And ever since they have been forcing their environmental religion on the rest of us. Problem is they are hypocritical ignorant fools. And we know are forced to except every lie they ever dreamed up.

makes one final prediction about Earth Day 2030: “There will be a disproportionately influential group of doomsters predicting that the future–and the present–never looked so bleak.” In other words, the hype, hysteria and spectacularly wrong apocalyptic predictions will continue, promoted by the “environmental grievance hustlers.”